If You Had A Time Machine What Would You Go Back And Change?
If You Had A Time Machine What Would You Go Back And Change?
Take our quick and fun quiz to figure it out!
Take our quick and fun quiz to figure it out!

If you were able to time travel you wouldn't change a thing about your life. You believe things happen for a reason and you're grateful for all of the things that have taken place in your life, good and bad. You'd just time travel to do some throwback site seeing. If this is true about you leave us a comment! :)
Be careful, don't step on a butterfly while you're gone!
You would time travel to take advantage of a missed opportunity. There was something in your life that happened and you wouldn't mind going back to change this particular thing! This could be a job interview, meeting someone famous, saving a life, even getting the last slice of pizza. Leave a comment and share your results!
Just make sure you rush to grab that last slice!
Sometimes we say awkward things around people when we get nervous, or even weird and crazy things when we get too comfortable. You'd time travel and take back something awkward you said in front of your hot crush or something awkward you said to your co-worker or boss. Is this true? Leave us a comment and share your results!
Sometimes emotions rise and an argument can take a really ugly turn. Sometimes when it's a fight with someone you care about, it bothers you later or you instantly regret saying a few choice words. Because you love and care for your family and friends you would time travel to prevent yourself from getting to that place! Share your results and compare them with a friend's.
Spending money
Spending money
Perhaps the show wasn't worth it, or maybe you splurged when you didn't need to! You'd stop yourself from buying those really expensive concert tickets, right? This could even apply to stopping yourself from doing a ton of online shopping because your water bill you had to pay the following week was unexpectedly high! Share and compare your results! :)
Quick fashion changes
Quick fashion changes
You care about what you wear everyday and there's nothing wrong with that! People even admire you for your style. However, a few weeks ago you wore an outfit and the seat of the pants gave out! You'd definitely go back in time and change the outfit you wore to prevent that embarrassing moment.
Share and compare your results!