How You Rate These 15 TV Shows Determines Your Personality Type
How You Rate These 15 TV Shows Determines Your Personality Type
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The Walking Dead (2010)
Blindspot (2015)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Scream Queens (2015)
Orange Is The New Black (2013)
The Flash (2014)
Mr. Robot (2015)
Supernatural (2005)
Better Call Saul (2015)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Pretty Little Liars (2010)
American Horror Story (2011)
How To Get Away With Murder (2014)
Dark Humor Gal/Guy
Dark Humor Gal/Guy
You have a funny and sometimes dark sense of humor and your friends love you for that! You enjoy shows like Supernatural, Scream Queens, and even Orange Is The New Black; which are all dramas, but have that unexpected humor. You are very easy going and don't think every thing in life should be taken serious.
Share your results with someone who is a fan of Supernatural or OITNB!
Life Of The Party
Life Of The Party
You are a carefree spirit! You don't let much get to you and that's evident based on the way you rated the TV shows above! You never enjoy too much downtime or dull moments. You are at your best when you're having fun, or bonding and laughing with your family and friends.
Share your results with a fan of Better Call Saul.
Intelligent Hopeless Romantic
Intelligent Hopeless Romantic
You're incredibly intelligent! You're never one to brag, but if you do, it's a very humble brag. You have great friends, a nice job, and a decent place to live. But you're missing one thing - someone to share it all with! You're a hopeless romantic.
Share your results with someone who is a fan of The Flash or Grey's Anatomy!
Detective At Heart
Detective At Heart
You enjoy watching shows with an intense case that needs to be solved or a show that has strange unexplained things taking place? Then there's only one explanation - you're a detective at heart. Before making big decisions you analyze and take a look at your circumstances. You even look at the pros and cons of how decisions would impact your future. That's why whenever it comes down to picking a good movie on Netflix for your group of friends, people can always count on you to help them.
Share your results with fans of Pretty Little Liars, How To Get Away With Murder, or American Horror Story!