Which One Of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
Which One Of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
Are you Rudolph or Dancer?
Are you Rudolph or Dancer?

Pick a good and fun skill to have:
If I'm looking for you, I will most likely find you...
If someone is driving too slow in the fast lane you...
Be honest: What list will Santa put you on this year?
What's your favorite Christmas song?
What gift does Santa have in his bag for you?
Finally, which reindeer do you despise?
You're Rudolph!
You're Rudolph!
You're Rudolph! You never fail to lead by example, whether it's at work, school, or even online. You also dislike bullies and love to encourage those who are on the receiving end to never give up. Share your results with a leader! :)
You're Prancer!
You're Prancer!
You're Prancer! You're very affectionate! You're the friend who loves hugs and wrapping an arm around another friend's shoulder when walking. You exude confidence, but never cockiness. Share your results with an affectionate friend!
You're Comet!
You're Comet!
You're Comet! There's nothing like family time - you love making time for your family! Your family and friends bring great joy to your life and you wouldn't have it any other way. You're down to earth and easy going as well. Share your results with a family member!
You're Vixen!
You're Vixen!
You're Vixen! You love a good prank every now and then! You even get a good laugh when someone plays a joke on you. You are optimistic and believe everything happens for a reason! Share your results with an optimistic friend! :)
You're Cupid!
You're Cupid!
You're Cupid! Well... not that cupid, but similar! :)
You love playing matchmaker and bringing new couples and new friends together. It makes you feel on top of world whenever you're surrounded by affectionate and hardworking people. Share your results with the cupid in your life!
You're Blitzen!
You're Blitzen!
You're Blitzen! "I tried to say hi, but you were walking too fast." You're that friend everyone's talking about. You're a fast pace person and generally brings a smile to everyone's face. You're spontaneous and full of energy! Share your results with a friend who has said this about you before. :)
You're Donner!
You're Donner!
You're Donner! You LOVE to sing, you sing in the shower with no shame, and you sing in your car and in front of people without any ounce of shame. You're a positive and vocal person who loves to be truthful. Leave a comment and let us know what your go-to shower singing song is. :)
You're Dancer!
You're Dancer!
You're Dancer! You're an extrovert and feel like you're at your best when you're surrounded by your closest friends. You never turn down a celebration of any kind. Needless to say, you love dancing - all kinds. You dance when you cook and you even dance to the sound of your faucet dripping. Is this true? Leave us a comment and let us know! :)