Which Strong Woman Driven Sci-Fi Adventure Show Are You?
Which Strong Woman Driven Sci-Fi Adventure Show Are You?
Joss Whedon has written and directed several TV shows and films with strong female characters! Which Whedon production are you?
Joss Whedon has written and directed several TV shows and films with strong female characters! Which Whedon production are you?

Let's get things started by picking a film:
Which Buffy describes your current mood:
A TV show is perfect if it:
Quick pick a personality trait that you love in others:
Which quote speaks to you?
To finish this quiz off, who is a strong woman in your life?
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
You got "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D!" You're courageous, intelligent, and very ambitious. Once you set your eyes on something you never give up until you obtain it. :)
Share your results with a Marvel fan!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
You got "Buffy!" You're witty and smart - the best recipe to kill vampires! You know how to have fun, but you also know when it's time to get serious. You love to surround yourself around friends and love meeting new people.
Share your results with a Buffy fan or Joss Whedon fan!
"Dollhouse!" You never try to be anyone else, but yourself and you love the skin you're in! Confidence and mysteriousness just radiate off of you! You're reserved when you first meet people, but slowly and surely you warm up to them.
Does this sound like you? Share your results with a Joss Whedon fan or Dollhouse fan!
You're "Firefly!" You are clever and very very creative! People always pick your brain for new and innovative ideas for papers, drawings, photographs, etc. You are a firm believer in giving everyone a fair chance.
Is this you? Share your results with a friend who agrees!