Which Walking Dead Character Should Be Your Best Friend?

I know Michonne and I will have each other's back! Whose got yours?

Created by FutureTVWriter
On Mar 29, 2017

Who has angered you the most?

Pick a way to get around:

Someone who has wronged you stands before you. What do you do?

If this character died you'd cry:

Pick a good trait to have during an apocalypse:

How important is humanity to you during a zombie apocalypse?

Which place do you think was the worst for the Walking Dead characters?

If you could bring back a character who would it be?

And finally, which season is your favorite?



You got Daryl! Even when situations get sticky for him, Daryl will put you first and help you out. He has heart and is compassionate, while also being very relaxed. He's also a great shot with his crossbow. The only thing he asks is that you keep up with him. Let your social media friends know you're purchasing a crossbow and tell them why!



Glenn! He is very selfless and he also knows what it's like to be a leader. He can talk his way out of tough situations, but he can also fight through them as well. He's well balanced and who doesn't love that? Just remember Maggie comes first. Scream from the mountain tops how attractive your new friend is.



You got Maggie! She's beautiful on the outside, but incredibly tough on the inside. She doesn't take no for an answer - she's ambitious! She fights for the ones she cares about, and she would never give up on you. Just don't steal Glenn from her. Tell your Facebook friends how Maggie and you will go out and shoot a few Walkers.



Michonne! She's come a long way from being all alone and only caring for herself to caring about you, her friends, her family. She's skilled with her sword and can dish out some honesty when you really need to hear it. All she asks in return is that you have her back. Don't hesitate to tell your current friends that you have an AMAZING addition to your group.



Be prepared to do whatever it takes, you got Carol! She's tough and super adaptive; she can make herself at home in any environment. She will do anything to protect those that she loves, which includes you! She's logical, but doesn't lack emotion. Tell everyone you know you have a new friend who will bake you cookies and blow things up for you.



Carl's got your back! He may be young, but boy has he seen a ton! He knows how to use a gun, knows how to knife a Walker, and had to kill his own mother! He's tougher than he seems! You both can teach each other a thing or two to keep each other safe. Your new friend is better than my friend!



You got Rick! He knows when to negotiate and when to fight. He can keep an entire group of people safe WHILE holding a baby girl. He's stern, not flaky, and tougher than it gets. He can sometimes go a little crazy, but it's all out of love. Rick is that friend who will have your back even after you're dead!

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