What Toy Animatronic are You?
What Toy Animatronic are You?
Wanna find out what 'bot you are from none other than FNaF 2? Well, come on over, and hit the Let's Play button!
Wanna find out what 'bot you are from none other than FNaF 2? Well, come on over, and hit the Let's Play button!

What kind of Freddy Fazbear pizza would you eat?
What is your method to get to the Nightguard's office?
On a scale of one to five (I know it sounds weird) how much do you like the nightguard.
Pick a room.
Pick the one that gets you like: "Wut?"
Pick a texture or appearance.
Pick something to eat or drink.
Do you even like pizza?
Do you like FNaF?
Would you fix Mangle?
Answer Time! U ready?
Toy Freddy
Toy Freddy
Hey! What do ya know? You're Toy Freddy! You make sure all the animatronics are in the right places, that stuff. Toy Freddy, even being the main animatronic, is not very self-centered. When the nightguard is watching, you don't move off the stage very much, but as nights progress, you get more and more active to help your friends. You are nice, but can be a bit snappy, or even yelly. Be proud of that top hat, you're Toy Freddy!
Toy Bonnie
Toy Bonnie
Sweet! You're Toy Bonnie! You are really cool, but can be moody when it comes to Foxy...
Anyway, don't let the eyelashes fool anyone, you are as tuff as a boulder! You are usually the first one to leave the stage, because you want to show the nightgurad, who's boss. When you are mad, or sad, you seem to shut everything down. That's ok, though, don't forget, you're Toy Bonnie!
Toy Chica
Toy Chica
SCORE! You're the one, the only, Toy Chica!!! You love to hang out with the others, but don't get along with Mangle at all. You're cute, but at night, you're something else. You love to taunt the nightguard. You also love your cupcake. You're awesome, YOU'RE TOY CHICA!!
You're Mangle! Cool. You are a really nice 'bot but don't really get along with Toy Chica. You don't like being broken, but you use it to your advantage. You go into the nightguard's office in any way possible. Wow. Mangle is awesome!
Balloon Boy
Balloon Boy
Hi! You're the one, Balloon Boy! You make everyone laugh, and are really nice. You love annoying the nightguard, and stealing the batteries to his flashlight so you can help your pal Foxy give 'em a big 'ol hug. Don't say hi to Toy Freddy and Bonnie too much though...Don't worry, you're Balloon Boy!
JJ (Balloon Girl)
JJ (Balloon Girl)
The mysterious type, huh? You're JJ! Also known as Ballon Girl, you hide under the nightguard's desk and barely show yourself. Not much is known about you, but I can say you are awesome. Have fun being you, you're Balloon Girl!