What Should Your College Major Be?
What Should Your College Major Be?
Take this quiz to find out!
Take this quiz to find out!

How do you like to spend your free time?
What is your favorite subject in school?
Who are you in a group project?
What's your favorite color?
Money, Money, Money! As a business major you are driven and financially competent. Careers with this major are endless, from small business owner to big time CEO
Romans, Napoleon and World War 2. As a history major you love investigating the past and discovering humanities trumps and failures. Careers with this major can range from academia to law school
Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Twain. You're a bookworm who can't put down a book for the life of you. You're fantastic writing skills allow you to fit a multitude of careers, such as teaching and publishing
Freud, Skinner and Pavlov. You love to investigate the human mind in all its glory and complexity. You're good social skills enable you to see right through people and find put whats wrong. Psychiatry, Counseling psychology and research psychology are all of a few subfields in which to specialize in