Converting A Scooter Into An Electric Scooter With Your Own Hands
Converting A Scooter Into An Electric Scooter With Your Own Hands
It is important to understand that the conversion of a scooter into an electric scooter is a winning solution only if you already have this very scooter.
It is important to understand that the conversion of a scooter into an electric scooter is a winning solution only if you already have this very scooter.
Remaking electric scooters takes a lot of time, effort and money, but at the same time it allows you to save on the operation of your vehicle, in particular, at its refueling. After all, a gasoline scooter is much more expensive than an electric scooter. Especially, the electric scooter does not harm the environment, which is also important for many modern, not indifferent people.
Converting a scooter into an electric scooter with your own
It is important to understand that the conversion of a scooter into an electric scooter is a winning solution only if you already have this very scooter. If not, then it's more logical, faster, cheaper and safer to immediately buy an electric scooter: so you eliminate the risk of encountering poor-quality assembly, errors in connecting parts, miscalculations and other missteps that could lead to emergency situations on the road. You can choose an electric scooter in the online store. Have a look at our best electric scooter review by Join fuse blog.
If you have a gasoline scooter and there is a desire to turn it into an eco-friendly, economical and comfortable transport on the electric path, but there are no special skills and skills to do it yourself, then you can contact our specialists for help. We will select the optimal spare parts according to the running characteristics and your budget, we will install all the necessary details ourselves and give a guarantee.
Instructions for remaking an electric scooter
* Evaluate the condition of the frame, wheels and suspension of your gasoline scooter. It is not always possible to place the electric motor correctly.
* Choose an electric motor of suitable power, determine where and how you will place it on the scooter.
* Pick up the battery pack of the power you need. On the types of traction batteries you can read here.
* Select the controller.
* Calculate the weight distribution and fix the accessories on the electric scooter, connect them.
* Charge the battery before the test drive. Check how well your vehicle works.
Maximum speed of an electric scooter
The maximum speed of an electric scooter depends primarily on its power. The more powerful the engine, the faster the scooter can travel, and the greater the distance it can overcome without overheating the motor. We already wrote about the most powerful electric scooters in this article. Now consider which models can ride you with a breeze - which electric scooters have the most impressive speed.
The fastest electric scooter can accelerate to 120 km / h. These are maxi-scooters, the reserve of which is 100 km. To develop such a speed the vehicle can be powered by a powerful engine: from 5 to 10 thousand watts. Of course, the cost of these electric scooters is appropriate: to buy the fastest, you'll have to pay from 200 dollar. Such models are good in that they are adapted to overcome large distances, even in areas with a bad road, while showing an enviable load capacity. A powerful engine allows you to carry up to 200 kg with the weight of the scooter about 140 kg. It takes about 8 hours to charge the battery.
The fastest electric scooter for the city
In urban conditions (for example , to travel to work) do not need excessive speeds over 100 km/h. Choosing a scooter for the city, pay attention to models with a capacity of 2000-4000 watts. These scooters accelerate to speeds of 40-70 km/h, which completely satisfies the requests for quick and comfortable movement around the city. The power reserve on one charge is 40-70 km, which is more than enough for trips around the city. Among low-powered scooters, of course, the speed is much lower. Models with a power of 1500 watts can accelerate to 50 km/h.
If you want a more economical model and you do not have a need for high speeds, choose an electric scooter with a power not lower than the specified rate.