What Kind of Fallout Vault Leader are You?
What Kind of Fallout Vault Leader are You?
When given the massive responsibility to run an entire vault, do you turn it into a well oiled machine, or do you crack under pressure?
When given the massive responsibility to run an entire vault, do you turn it into a well oiled machine, or do you crack under pressure?

Who do you allow into your vault?
What is a priority to research?
How do you want your people to see you?
What do you not want to see from your vault inhabitants?
What will the power set up be like?
What would you do if a wandering wastelander requested access to your vault?
If your vault were to fall, how would you prefer it to meet it's end?
If your vault could have a surplus of one thing, what would it be?
What actions do you take towards rowdy or insubordinate inhabitants?
The Pushover
The Pushover
Maybe you should have let someone more fit for the spot be the Overseer. By nature, you can be a little bit lenient, and you probably want everyone to be equally comfortable and happy. Unfortunately, people will be quick to learn just how easy you are to manipulate. With your flippant way of dealing with the comfort of people over the serious issues, your vault may not last long.
The Zealot
The Zealot
Odds are, you got to the vault before anyone could stop you. Now as a self proclaimed Overseer, you have taken your new home into your own hands. The vault is a conduit for your faith, to show just how loyal you are. Quickly turning into a community of equally as faithful followers, your vault is a holy sanctuary void of what you deem to be impure. Allowing no one in or out, your vault will only end by your own hands.
The Dictator
The Dictator
Your goal is survival, and you will take any means to achieve that goal. As Overseer, you only accept the best and nothing less. Everyone must always give their all, and you will not hesitate to cut out the fat from your vault.. Strict, harsh, and feared, you want your people to all put forth their best effort to create a vault that will last ages, or else.
The Survivor
The Survivor
Selfish, simply selfish. You put yourself ahead of everyone else and now you have an entire vault all to your own. Free to do as you please with no one to bother you, you are going to spend the rest of your days in luxury. With plenty of food, lots to explore, and peaceful silence, you may die alone in your vault to yourself, but you will die in peace.
The Leader
The Leader
You are a natural born leader, able to lead your vault to a long and content life. While you know well enough to deal with the tough situations, you are aware what choices are best for your people. The vault you inhabit is now a thriving environment where everyone has a role, but only few are unhappy. Running such well tuned machine may seem difficult, but you manage to do so in strides.