What Superpower For Good Should You Have?

Discover what super human power you should have to make the world a better place.

Gates Foundation
Created by Gates Foundation (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 24, 2016

Where do you currently live?

What is the origin of your superpower?

Which quality do you most admire?

What is the biggest world problem to solve?

How do you deal with a problem?

What do you wish you had more of?

What is your greatest character flaw?

Your life motto is:

Which costume accessory is essential?

How do you like to work?

Weather Control

Weather Control

Congratulations! You command the atmosphere. Bring rain to areas parched by drought, direct winds to keep turbines generating clean energy, or part the clouds so that the sun can dry flooded farmlands.



Congratulations! You can go anywhere you desire instantaneously. Your commute will never be the same again. Food delivery services will want to hire you. But the best thing about your power is that you can show up to help anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Language Expert

Language Expert

Congratulations! You have a talent for all things linguistic and that includes decoding the language of science. Through words, symbols, and equations, you can unlock the secrets of the universe so people can work together to solve the world’s biggest challenges.



Congratulations! You can move objects with your mind. In addition to helping friends move (as long as they pay with pizza), use your power in creative ways to help poor communities lift themselves out of extreme poverty.

Physical Replication

Physical Replication

Congratulations! You can duplicate yourself and be in multiple places at once. Go to work and take a vacation at the same time. Better yet, send your other selves into your community and earn the title: Volunteer of the Year!

Energy Manipulation

Energy Manipulation

Congratulations! You see all energy that binds the planet together and can redirect it where it’s needed most. Bring light to a rural village. Power tablets so students can study no matter where they live. And do it all without leaving a carbon footprint.



Congratulations! You defy the law of gravity and fly like a bird…or a plane. Avoid the rush hour traffic jams and use that time to lend a hand to anyone who needs help.



Congratulations! Your talent to read minds allows you to understand all perspectives of an issue. Combine that with empathy and your powers will resolve conflicts of any scale.

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On Nov 18, 2021