Which Critical Role Character Are You?

The heroes of Vox Machina are suave and charming, violent and greedy, and all-around stone-cold badasses. Take this quiz and embrace your fate, for there are many great adventures in your future. Also, true treasure-seekers take heed: can you uncover the secret path hidden in this quiz to the Dungeon Master himself?

Geek & Sundry
Created by Geek & Sundry (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

What always puts you in a good mood?

Are you #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan?

When you get your paycheck, the first thing you spend it on is...

What makes you angry?

What luxury do you long to have in your house?



You are the mighty goliath Grog Strongjaw, and are easily the brains of your team, being often consulted for your vast knowledge of shapes, colors, and shiny things. Also ale.

People know not to make you angry. If they do, the last words they're likely to hear are "I would like to rage."



You are Keyleth, a druid of the Ashari people. You have a unique connection to the natural world, and always feel more at peace when surrounded by trees and animals.

You're also a bit of a sweetheart, and maybe a little socially awkward... but people should know not to rile you up. This cat has claws.



You are Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III—or Percy for short. You rely on your own strength and ingenuity to distinguish yourself, often feeling like just another face in the crowd. Percy was one of seven children, and he had to work hard to make his own talents known.

You might also have a deep love for crafting and tinkering with big guns. If you don't, then I've got some Bad News for you...



You are Pike Trickfoot, a devoted friend and stalwart companion. Within Vox Machina, you are known for your no-nonsense attitude and holy powers—gifts from the goddess Sarenrae that you wield to both hurt and heal.

You have been through a lot; you've learned hard lessons from the mistakes you've made, and now hold greater love of life than you did before. Your faith is just as important to you as your friends, and you sometimes struggle to reconcile the two.



You are the charming rake and womanizing musician Scanlan Shorthalt. You've had to work your way up from the bottom, fighting tooth and nail to get where you are in life. You try not to show it, though, putting on a happy face and just trying to take life as it comes.

You don't like it when people think you're just a pretty face or when they ignore everything you've gone through; despite your devil-may-care attitude, you really DO care.



You are Vox Machina's light-fingered, dashing ranger Vex'ahlia. You have a close bond with your family, especially your siblings and pets. You have friends that care deeply for you, but it's hard to shake the feeling that your family and your animals are the only creatures who care about you.



You are the brash, yet surprisingly charming Vax'ildan, a mysterious rogue who waits at the edges of Vox Machina's line, waiting for the perfect time to strike. You and your sister, Vex'ahlia, are used to being outcasts, but your friendship with the rest of Vox Machina is fast and unshakable.

You'd rather not get in trouble directly, but you're willing to put everything at risk if those you care about are in danger.

The Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master

Congratulations: You are the Dungeon Master. You had to have known the secret combination to get this result, didn't you? Well, O master of secrets, consider eternal bragging rights your reward on this most auspicious day. You share the title of Dungeon Master with the great Matthew Mercer, the man who holds the fate of Vox Machina and all of Tal'dorei in his hand.

Use your power wisely.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021