Which Gravity Falls Character Are You?
Which Gravity Falls Character Are You?
Unlike most of the attractions at the Mystery Shack, this quiz is free-- and it works!
Unlike most of the attractions at the Mystery Shack, this quiz is free-- and it works!

Okay, let's get started. You come across a strange creature in the woods. What do you do?
Time to spend some quality time with the people that you care about the most. And that would be . . . ?
You're on vacation and get bored. What do you decide to do?
You did it. You ended up in jail. What did you do?
What's your weapon of choice?
What's the most recent lie you told?
You're home alone. What do you do?
Which quote sounds like you?
How do you feel about lying to others?
What's your age range?
Pick an article of clothing.
Grunkle Stan
Grunkle Stan
You are Grunkle Stan. You're often cynical, grumpy, and kind of selfish. But deep down, you really do care about people. You also have a lot of deep secrets (some hidden in a secret passageway behind the vending machine) that you want to keep buried. You're a master con artist and a completely irresponsible adult figure. But your friends and family wouldn't want it any other way.
You are Soos, handyman of the Mystery Shack. You're not exactly the sharpest guy around, but that's okay. Your lovable enthusiasm and true kindness make up for it. Keep on being you-- even if that means playing more video games than is probably healthy.
Wendy Corduroy
Wendy Corduroy
You are Wendy Corduroy. Laidback and carefree (for the most part), you allow everyone around you to cut loose and have fun. You engage in a fair amount of risk-taking, but you remain unscathed. You also have a tendency to slack off on the job, but whatever.
Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines
You're Dipper Pines. Smart and resourceful, you seek out adventure and hope to unravel every mystery you come across. You come off a little paranoid, but that's to be expected. In the span of one summer, you've fought monsters, wax statues, ghosts, gnomes, psychopaths, clones, video game avatars, dinosaurs, demons, robots, zombies, shapeshifters, miniature people, time-travelers, and secret societies.
Man, you need a break.
Lil' Gideon
Lil' Gideon
Okay, if you got this result, you've majorly messed up.
Apparently, you're Lil' Gideon, self-proclaimed child psychic and former owner of Journal #2. You're basically insane and will go to great lengths to get what you want.
Seriously, if you got this answer, I would retake the quiz and think through your answers VERY carefully.
Mabel Pines
Mabel Pines
You are Mabel Pines. Spontaneous and extremely confident, you bring life and craziness to any scenario. You may get a little carried away sometimes, but for the most part, you're well-intentioned. You have a bit of a tendency to crush on every guy in the direct vicinity. You might want to watch out for that.
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher
You're Bill Cipher. Cunning and resourceful, you're likely to turn the tables on any situation. You may seem snappy and humorous, but deep down, you're incredibly manipulative. No one exactly knows what you're up to, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You've got big plans coming, and you don't need them getting in your way.
Old Man McGucket
Old Man McGucket
Okay, so you got Old Man McGucket.
You're kind of crazy, and a little cooky, but you mean well. Back when you had your memories, you were actually incredibly intelligent. Unfortunately, you went a bit overboard trying to get rid of those memories out of guilt. However, you're still a good guy.