Which Member of the Justice League are You?

Always wanted to be part of the justice league? Well here's your chance! Find out who you'd be most like.

Geekly Guide
Created by Geekly Guide (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 7, 2016

Where would you live?

What is your birth element?

Which word stands out most to you?

Which food looks most appetizing?

Who is your villain?



You're an honorable person who likes to fight for others rights. Whether it's a hoard of aliens or simply standing up to the school bully, you've always had it in you to stand up to those who try to put you and others down. You're a natural born leader.



You're a mysterious person who keeps a lot to herself but when you choose your friends you put all of your trust in them. You tend to be one of the guys, and although you are mysterious, it tends to attract people and they feel as though they can trust you.

Green Lantern

Green Lantern

You're extroverted, a people person, and a very good problem solver. You may not tell the best jokes but it's enough to crack a smile. With great power comes great responsibility, and you've slowly but surely learnt how to handle problems the correct way, even if it requires a little creativity.

The Flash

The Flash

You're a down to earth and easy going person yet when push comes to shove you get things done quickly and efficiently. You're a funny person with great comedic timing and tend to be the class clown.



You're a responsible person who tends to assume the role of the adult among your friends. You have very strong morals that cannot be compromised and you're a very brave person who can handle any problem small or big.



Different people tend to bring out different sides in you, but when you're around those you trust the most you are your true self. You have many hidden talents that you use to your advantage. You value your family and where you grew up will always be where you call home.



You tend to have a strong moral code and you play by the rules. You know the difference between right and wrong and don't step over the line. You tend to be what others call a 'control freak'. You get things done and have taught yourself self discipline.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021