What YA book character are you?
What YA book character are you?
What to know what Young adult Novel character you are? Then you've found the right quiz.
What to know what Young adult Novel character you are? Then you've found the right quiz.

Are you Extrovert or Introvert ?
How many friends do you have? If you have any?
Who would you like as a ally in the arena?
What do you think about Love?
Your government want's to start testing on people who might be Divergent. But your divergent, what do you do?
Do you rely on the people around you?
Are you good at swimming?
How do you deal with stress?
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You have a secret and powerful weapon that your not allowed to use, do you still use it?
Katniss Everdeen
Katniss Everdeen
You are Katniss Everdeen! Your an Independent women, you don't need a man in your life but when you, eventually, fall in love, you wont regret it. You'r not afraid to stand up for what you believe and your quite handy with a bow!
Tris (Beatrice) Prior
Tris (Beatrice) Prior
You are Tris Prior. You take time to fit in to new places but with the help of your friends, it wont take long. You quite shy but will stand up to what you believe in, if its for the best. Remember to Be careful, you are not trusted so much but people love you.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
You are Harry Potter! Did you know your Wizard/Witch? Well you will be expecting your Hogwarts letter soon! You've come a rough childhood but once your surrounded by your best friends, you forget all the troubles your facing and let loose. Trouble will arise during your life but your not afraid to get your wand out, in front off muggles and protect your life.
You are Thomas! You don't remember much but you now who your friends are. You tend to be the leader of most things even after being there for a short while because you can deal with stress really well. By the way if any of your friends are suicidal, take care of them, please and never let them out of your sight. And if you dont know, ask.
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
You are Percy Jackson! You've always been different to everyone else but that's just because your a demigod. Dont tell anyone though, they will flip out, or at least most will flip out. You LOVE the water! And are never afraid to show off your swimming moves. You always count on your best friends, they are always there for you, and when they go away, they will always come straight back to you. Like Percy, you like to go on a lot of adventurers and there's always lots to see... Even under water.
Cassie (for Cassiopeia)
Cassie (for Cassiopeia)
You are Cassie! You were only in High school before your life turned pear shape. In most situations you go to your Family for help but when they are not there you usually get very confused, but you live through it and eventually on the way find a best friend. It takes you a long time to trust some one but that's only because you've been through so much, don't worry someone, or something, will be there for you, who you can eventually trust.
Alaska Young
Alaska Young
You are Alaska Young! You very unique and not like anyone else. You suffer from a lot of things and are quite shy but you don't let that show. You've had a sad life but Your friends are probably best things that happened and you don't take them for granted.
Augustus Waters
Augustus Waters
You got Augustus Waters! Your one of kind and very special to have. You treat your Boyfriends/girlfriends as if they are wishes come true but you will always wait to find that special one and even spend your wish on Him/her. Your very Loyal, and are always there for everyone, whilst even be careful no one screws you over. The only thing is that although there is missing something, be more confident, no one can see it! Strut off what everyone can see!