What Anime Character Are you?
What Anime Character Are you?
Hello! Wondering what Anime Character are you? You came to the right place. ;)
Hello! Wondering what Anime Character are you? You came to the right place. ;)
What Animal do you want to be?
What's your favorite nightcore song?
What's your favorite color?
You're Saber!
You're Saber!
Saber is a strong-willed young woman who always speaks resolutely. She is courageous, determined, and set on winning the Holy Grail. She constantly insists that she is a knight first and that her gender is of little importance to her. She is resolute in following her own morals regardless of more viable tactics being available should she consider them to be underhanded, leading to conflicts
You're Ichigo!
You're Ichigo!
You're Ichigo!
chigo is sweet, and ready for anything. Sometimes she will go crazy if she is mad or excited. She is head-over-heels in love with Masaya. Ichigo cares very much about her friends, and cannot bear to see someone hurt. However, she's also got a very bold nature and is very friendly. She's also very hard working, and very brave
You're Kirito!
You're Kirito!
Kirito is a person with incredibly strong resolve who will do anything and everything in his power to accomplish something that is important to him without any hesitation. He is almost always a calm and collected character, rarely showing any signs of distress.
You're Minto!
You're Minto!
Minto was initially depicted as spoiled, snobbish, and self-centered because of her wealth (like most rich girls in cartoons, movies and books), but shown to really be an empathetic person who cares deeply about her friends as the series progresses.
She idolizes Zakuro Fujiwara, who frequently influences Minto's decisions as a Mew Mew. Zakuro also one of the few people Minto is nice to.
Minto is, despite her relatively small size, extremely headstrong and can be very powerful when cooperating with her teammates. She enjoys dancing, particularly in the style of ballet. Her favorite food is French food and scones. She slightly dislikes common food (i.e. fast food, canned food, etc.) but will eat it if given to her.
You're Lettuce!
You're Lettuce!
Retasu is a sweet but shy and timid girl. She is very polite and always speaks formally, even to her friends and family, who she speaks to all the time. Retasu's family is very positive and they told her that she would be able to make friends when she thought she couldn't. Retasu becomes more confident when she joins the Mew Mews, and leaves the three girls that bully her (though in Mew Mew Power she still talks to them). Retasu does not like to get involved in fights unless it will prevent her friends from being harmed. She is a shy, thirteen-year-old, eighth-grader (second year junior high student, by Japanese school standards) who attends Okumura Junior High (Excalibur High School in the English anime adaptation) and works at Café Mew Mew. Retasu's favorite foods are shortcakes, grapes and stewed foods, while her least favorite foods are shiitake mushrooms.
You're Pudding!
You're Pudding!
Bu-Ling likes doing acrobatics and likes playing. Her favorite foods are tientsin (sweet chestnuts), pudding and chou à la creme. However she dislikes rakkyo (Chinese onions). She usually wears Chinese themed clothes when she is home, at a party or visiting. The other Mew Mews agree that her monkey DNA is a perfect match for her personality as she is full of energy and loves having fun – to the point Minto considers her very immature. She is also the most hyperactive member of the team, even more-so than Ichigo