Are You A Ghost Or A Ghostbuster?
Are You A Ghost Or A Ghostbuster?
With a new movie on the horizon, where do you fit in the spooky, funny pantheon?
With a new movie on the horizon, where do you fit in the spooky, funny pantheon?

Choose a favorite movie tag line.
What's your favorite movie snack?
Shifting gears, how do you feel about the paranormal?
Which of these ghosts would you rather run across?
Do you believe in God?
What would your ideal New York City date look like?
When you see a stray dog, how do you greet it?
Complete this sentence with what fits best for you:
"I ain't afraid of no ___!
What's the Ghostbusters' biggest hurdle?
Would you join the Ghostbusters?
Whether popping up at an inopportune time or forcing others to chase you down, you certainly have a way with the living. Try not to run them over, because they might end up being your friends.
Egon Spengler
Egon Spengler
Whether collecting molds, spores, and fungus, or checking Tobin's Spirit Guide, you often seem more at home in the spectral world than with the living. Give it a chance, though, you never know what could happen when you enjoy the land of the living.
(Rest In Peace Harold Ramis.)
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
You're larger than life for sure! When you go out on the town, you really paint it ghoulishly red (just watch out for those churches!). Don't cross the wrong people, though, you wouldn't want to get roasted.
Patty Tolan
Patty Tolan
As of yet, you are a mystery. Although standing tall, you have yet to prove the critics and the skeptics wrong. If you stand with your friends and keep your independent spirit, everything will turn out fine.
Scoleri Brothers
Scoleri Brothers
You have an electrifying personality and a willingness to seek justice when you feel you've been wronged. Try not to chase down any white whales or cross someone with a positron glider.
Peter Venkman
Peter Venkman
Doctor to you! Well, maybe not yet, but if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. Cool and charming under pressure, you're always ready with a quip. Don't let trying to be a smart-ass distract you from being smart, though.
Librarian ghost
Librarian ghost
Some people consider you quiet and a little mousy, but they couldn't be more wrong. Sure, you like your peaceful solitude, but you've got a wild side too. You're not afraid to reach out and touch someone across the ethereal plane every now and then.
Jillian Holtzmann
Jillian Holtzmann
You've got a unique sense of style and flair that can't be bought in a store (generally speaking). As you prepare for an uncertain future, make sure your effort is more impressive than your sense of style.