How Dark Side of the Force Are You? The Ultimate Test!
How Dark Side of the Force Are You? The Ultimate Test!
Does the hate flow through you?
Does the hate flow through you?

Your friends are on the run from the law. What do you do?
You overhear a message not intended for you. What would you do?
What color lightsaber would you choose?
You have a massive family secret that could change everything. Would you rather know or not?
Who is your hero?
You get in a fight with someone close to you. How do you resolve it?
Have you ever borrowed something and forgot to give it back?
Jedi Knight Through and Through
Jedi Knight Through and Through
Sorry comrade. You're just not that evil. On the plus side, not being evil is good! Grab your non-red lightsaber and get started saving the universe.
I Feel the Conflict
I Feel the Conflict
Behind that otherwise placid face, there's definitely a snarl waiting to lash out if prodded. Overall, you're against crushing tracheas and Force lightning, but if prodded, look out.
Gray Jedi
Gray Jedi
Some days, you feel pretty good. Other days, there's a couch cushion tag just waiting to be ripped off. You wear your neutrality well, but that little Skywalker on your shoulder keeps you from slipping too far towards the dark side.
Phantom Menace
Phantom Menace
On the outside, people assume you're one of the good guys. On the inside, though, you're just waiting for your chance to seize power and take revenge on your enemies. Well played!
Dark Jedi
Dark Jedi
Without a doubt, you're all Dark Side. Nobody better mess with you, or they'll get a red blade upside the head. Even that irritating master of yours better watch his back. You'll have your revenge.
Sith Lord
Sith Lord
Wow. Darth Sidious likes your style. That's about as Dark Side as it gets.. And, if you're down with ruling the galaxy with an iron fist and extinguishing the Jedi, you're in great shape too. It feels good to be bad!