Only Mathematicians Can Name All Of These Complex Geometrical Shapes
Only Mathematicians Can Name All Of These Complex Geometrical Shapes
Cubes. Rhombuses. Pah! They're child's play compared to these tricky geometric designs. Can you guess them all?
Cubes. Rhombuses. Pah! They're child's play compared to these tricky geometric designs. Can you guess them all?
PhD in Geometry!
PhD in Geometry!
Wow! You're a geometrical bad-ass! You really know a dodecahedron from lemniscate. If you're not a mathematician by trade, you should consider it as a career path. Your ability to decipher complex geometrical designs is far-superior to the average person.
GED in Geometry
GED in Geometry
Solid work. Your understanding of geometry and mathematics is more advanced than most people. Be proud of your ability to reason and to assess complex patterns and shapes.
Remedial Geometry
Remedial Geometry
Not bad, but your geometrical identification skills could use a little work. Math isn't everyone's strong suit. Maybe you're more of a creative, right-brained person. Either way, give it a little more study and another run-through. We bet you'll nail it!