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Which Bachelor Man Would YOU Have Won Over?


George Apeech
Created by George Apeech
On Mar 29, 2017

The date card is here! Which reaction is most like you?

What is your ideal Bachelor date?

What are you looking for in a man?

What's your favorite hobby?

What dress would you wear to the rose ceremony?

How would you handle the drama in the house?

What 'undesirable' quality could you settle for?

Chris Harrison!

Chris Harrison!

Most people go on the Bachelor looking to fall in love with the main man of the show. However, why compete with 25 other girls for the Bachelor when you can scoop up Chris Harrison? Chris def has the best job on the show. Basically he just appears at dramatic moments, delivers date cards, and probably gets to drink all the extra booze left over from the cocktail parties. Your beauty and poise got you on the show in the first place, but your wicked smarts, carefree, lighthearted, and open-minded attitude allowed you to realize that Chris Harrison was actually the man for you. The other girls were probably jealous once they realize that you ended up with the true winner!

Sean Lowe!

Sean Lowe!

Sean is a wholesome, values-driven and trustworthy man. He openly categorizes himself as being a Christian and says that faith is a huge part of his life, so it makes sense that religion is an important element of your life, too! You and Sean both love animals, so it was an instant connection once you started talking about your dogs. When Sean isn't busy volunteering at church or playing with pets, he likes to write. You love a solid-as-a-rock, dependable family man like Sean!

Juan Pablo Galavis!

Juan Pablo Galavis!

Though Juan Pablo demonstrated some questionable personality traits on The Bachelor, there's no denying that he's a total hottie. At this point, you care most about looks and physical attraction. Juan Pablo has the athletic build, the sexy foreign accent, and the suave fashion down to a science. The conversation may not be great in the streets, but it's all about the action in the sheets, right?

Chris Soules!

Chris Soules!

Look at that smile! There's no denying that Chris is a sweet, heartland farmer who could definitely be a professional tractor driver if all else fails. You go for the All-American boys: gentlemanly manners, family values, and extensive football knowledge. Chris loves you for your willingness to sacrifice everything and move to the middle of nowhere Iowa to be with him, cause you believe that love trumps all! Get ready to live happily ever after among the corn!

Ben Higgins!

Ben Higgins!

Ben made it obvious from the beginning that he wasn't on The Bachelor to mess around. No, Ben is looking for true love! Arguably the most loveable bachelor in history, Ben wants a girl who is devoted to him but still maintains her individuality. You and Ben are a perfect match, because you both love the outdoors, traveling, and interesting conversation. You're ready to settle down with perfect husband material, and Ben is your man!

No One!

No One!

Ok honey, let's face it: The Bachelor isn't the best place to find love! Like the other 24 girls, you exited the limo full of hope that the man waiting to greet you (and the other 24 girls) would be your next husband. Alas, several group dates later, it became obvious that things just weren't meant to be. But don't worry! As entertaining as The Bachelor is, we all know it's not the right place for you to find your husband. You'll find true love and win over the heart of a fantastic man in a different way!

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