10 Tips And Tricks To Up Your Fortnite Game
10 Tips And Tricks To Up Your Fortnite Game
If you are new to Fortnite or just looking to up your game, you've come to the right place. We cover the top 10 tips and tricks that should help you better understand the popular game and help you get closer to that elusive victory royale.
If you are new to Fortnite or just looking to up your game, you've come to the right place. We cover the top 10 tips and tricks that should help you better understand the popular game and help you get closer to that elusive victory royale.

10 - The Starting Area
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Before everyone loads onto the battle bus youll spend some time in the lobby training area. This is mostly a place to mess around but if you are a new player this is the place to start getting familiar with the controls
Jump around, grab some weapons, get a feel for the game. This is the perfect place for new players to experiment as Fortnite has a “unique” gameplay feel.
Chances are you are going to take some damage while playing. A stray bullet or two can really ruin your day. That’s why its important to prioritize health items and know how long each takes to use as you’ll be exposed while healing.
Bandages and Med Kits will give you health, with Med Kits letting you fully restore your life-bar after a firefight. Shield potions come in regular and mini forms with you needing two standard potions to fully restore your shields.
You should memorize the time required for the main health and shield drops. The Chug Jug is the big boy that restore your health and shields but takes a long 15 seconds to drink.
The Slurp Juice restores one health and shield point per second upwards of 25 seconds. That’s a great boost but 25 seconds can be an eternity in Fortnite.
Weapons in Fortnite are all a bit janky. The best advice is to find your own style and stick with something that works for you, but also having a backup you can use in a pinch. If you like playing aggressive then Shotguns are for you. Just remember to always be jumping as you push forward when using them as they require you to close the distance.
Assault Rifles are most players’ go-to weapon as they ar solid choices for close and ranged combat. Some come with scopes as well to give you an edge at distance fights. Submachine Guns fire quickly if like to spray-and-pray but fail with distance and are harder to target with.
Snipers are great during the early game when everyone is spread out. Get yourself into a good vantage point and you can pick off several players before they even know what hit them. Once the map shrinks though, you’ll want to swap to something else.
Pistols are a bit strange as they are great medium range weapons, but their slow fire rate make them a poor choice when closing the distance. Hit detection in Fortnite is something special so most players don’t focus on pistol play.
Rocket Launchers are great for dropping building where players are hiding or towers that they have built. They are also great at taking out groups of enemies that are hold up someplace hoping to camp until the endgame.
The best way to learn is to just go and get your feet wet. Hiding out isn’t going to teach you anything and when the endgame starts, you’ll simply be picked off by someone who understands the game. Your best bet is to get into fights early.
Drop into an area where lots of players are and engage in firefights during the early game. There’s no better way to learn the controls and gameplay than by a trial by fire.
Early game fights are also the most balanced as players are all scrambling for supplies and weapons, so an aggressive start might give you the best chance of survival, no matter how weird that might sound.
You are going to die a lot in Fortnite. It’s part of the game and death is your constant friend. But understanding our death gives you insight in how to become a better player. If you can pinpoint how you are dying you can plan for certain situations.
The Replay System is you best friend in this case. Sure, you can simply drop back to the lobby after a death and start again, but using the Replay System often lets you see just how your screwed up.
Maybe someone had a trap where you didn’t think to look before, maybe someone dropped behind you through an area of the map you didn’t fully understand. The Replay System is a great teaching tool that can teach you about strategies others are using.
I’m not one who watches people play games, I’d much rather be playing them, but in the case of Fortnite watching can be the key to success. Because the game stays consistent, watching pros stream is a great way to learn about how they take advantage of weapons and the map.
There is a reason these guys and gals are top-tier players, regardless of what you might think of them personally. If you want to become a Pro then you need to learn from the Pros. Watch where they drop, how they build, and when and when they don’t engage in fights.
Tools are your friend in both offense and defense. Grenades can really surprise unsuspecting players as well as drop the roof onto scrambling enemies. There are various bombs as well, some that come with status effects that can give you an extra few seconds to pick off dancing enemies.
The Port-A-Fort is great for beginners as you can pop a fort in an instant instead of taking the time to build something. It’s mostly for defense and to provide protection, but slick players can turn it into a fun offensive weapon depending on who and where they pop it.
Audio is a key aspect of Fortnite that advanced players really focus on. If you practice and learn the sounds of the world, you can really gain an advantage. Running away is one such thing that you can hear if you pay attention.
If a player comes upon you and immediately bails, or you hear players running away from your area, it’s a good sign that they aren’t ready to take part in a firefight. They probably got some bad drops or are already wounded from another fight.
If players run from you its best to try and chase them down as they assume you have the advantage. You can also you this to you advantage as players will chase you if you run. Let them chase you into a trap or choke point and quickly turn the tables on them.
Always. Be. On. Edge. If you are playing Fortnite correctly them you should be a nervous wreck every second of the game. You can’t be timid and have a “take you time” approach to matches. Danger is just around every single corner.
I can’t begin to tell you the amount of times I died because I let my guard down for a split second. There’s a good chance someone has you in their sights and are just waiting for you to take that second pause to take you out.
If you find yourself in a “safe space” chances are other players are there too. Once the map starts to shrink players will fall back into their old habits, so being on edge and mixing things up will give you the edge you need.
Fortnite is more than just shooting other players, it’s also about building, something that sets it apart from other Battle Royale games out there. Learning to build quickly is key to securing that Victory Royale when space gets tight.
There are four building types available to you, each with unique building perks for defense and even combat. If you are new just stick with the basic controls and practice building structures. Drop someplace that looks empty and take time making defenses and building stairs connecting to higher and higher levels.
Once you are comfortable with the basic, you’ll want to switch over to the “Builder Pro” controls because they will let you build much quicker with structures getting assigned to the face buttons when using a controller.
Also, make sure both Turbo Building and Automatic Material Swapping are turned on as automatic swapping is vital when building during a firefight. And remember that building isn’t free and requires materials. As soon as you drop use your pickaxe on everything to build up your building supply.
You can build tough structures made of metal and stone, but these take time and leave you open. Therefore, you’ll see most players sticking to basic wood structures through matches. Using the heavy stuff works better later in the game to give you that added protection from enemies as they bunch up.
Even if you don’t fancy yourself a pro builder you should still learn to use the panic builds available. As soon as you hear shoots coming your way its smart to drop a panic wall to give you some cover. The same with panic ramps that can give you an edge as their angles can give you better position to strike back.