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Which Left 4 Dead survivor are you?

Are you more like Nick, Ellis, Coach, Rochelle, Zoey, Francis, Bill or Louis? Take this quiz to find out.

Catrine Noir
Created by Catrine Noir (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 14, 2016

How close are you with your family, and your hometown?

Do you consider yourself a fighter?

If you'd be a character in a movie, you're occupation would be:

How are you relationship wise?

What is your element sign?

Are you an idealist, realist or surrealist?

What are you doing in your spare time?

Which campaign do you enjoy most playing?

Pick an outfit you would wear, or one that you like.

Which of these words best describe you? (be honest)

What do you think about alchool, drugs and smoking?

What about tattoos?

Pick a song.

Do you consider yourself a funny person?

Do you consider yourself a sexy beast?

Are you tired of this quizz? It's over!



"We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, and kickin' ass!"

Nick's sarcasm, pessimism, and self-centered cynicism arguably make him the most antagonistic character, or anti-hero, in the series. Almost everyone he meets quickly picks up on these attributes and takes a wary or active dislike to him. His general attitude makes Nick the group's older brother.
Like him, your witty sarcasm probably makes people thinking you're joking but you just can't stand anyone, can you? But under that surface you actually have a heart, and you use it only on the people you think that deserves it. You're probably a bit charming too, so go get that witch tiger!

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)



"We're kickin' more ass than a boot in an ass factory!"

Ellis is open, friendly, inclusive and highly (even unrealistically) optimistic. In common with most young men, he is a risk taker and believes himself to be indestructible. He presents himself as a goofy, beer-loving country guy with an artless and sometimes naive world view.
Like Ellis you are probably a young rebel soul ready to get into life! You see the world as your playground, and find everything that is around you amazing. You are quite something, keep the dream alive baby!

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)



"Man said, any fight you walk away from is a win."

Coach is the eldest, voice of reason, and authority of the Left 4 Dead 2 team. He has a big heart and a healthy appetite, and a wicked swing with a chainsaw. He comes across as a warm-hearted father figure with an optimistic attitude that is hard to disagree with. Despite his friendly demeanor, his experience as an actual coach makes him demand things of the other Survivors in a positive way.
Like Coach, you are a succesful person that wants to see others succeed aswell. You are not afraid to take risks and that's what makes you a respected person. Keep the positivity up, and the calories down baby!

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)



"Did this seem like a good idea to you at some time?"

Rochelle is the sensible "big sister" of the group, and almost everyone treats her with generous respect. She is portrayed as sensible, levelheaded, and kind to everybody and as possessing a dry sense of humor that comes out sometimes. Surviving a zombie apocalypse is just something she can use her wits and drive to produce the hell out of.
Like her, you probably are that kind of person that you just can't hate. Everyone likes you, because you are a truly good person. But people should not take advantage of your kindness, because you can turn the page and show them how strong of a character you really are!

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)



"I can't wait for a shower...for you, Francis. Jeezus."

Zoey is a college student, a horror movie aficionado and the daughter of a very wealthy family. She seems to have been closer to her father, sneaking out and watching zombie movies with him. She had a college scholarship and was supposed to be studying making movies, but was spending her time watching zombie and vampire movies, instead.
Like Zoey, you probably are an introvert, and like spending time in the fantasy world. You are a dreamer, and like to create your own reality. But when facing the real world, lets face it, you're handling pretty well! Why are you afraid of, you have a great personality, you want to fight zombies instead?

(Informations taken from http://www.giantbomb.com/zoey/3005-672/)



"Let's get you patched up so you can go die someplace nicer."

Cocky, loud, and pretty sure he's indestructible, Francis acts like the zombie apocalypse is the world's biggest bar fight. When the virus hit, everybody else stockpiled food and looked for a place to hide. Francis found a gun and had some fun. No cops, no laws, no order—if it wasn't for all the zombies, he could almost get used to life like this. He is a tough biker with tattoos covering his arms and neck. His tattoos identify him as a member of "Hell's Legion," a name possibly inspired by the real-world Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club.
You see no boundries in the world, you are a strong person and a bit reckless too. Admit it, you are a risk taker and maybe a daredevil too. You should wear a leather jacket, to suit your personality.

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)



"Those bastards are in for a big surprise!"

He is a Vietnam veteran who served in the US Army 1st Special Forces Group, and is also noticeably the oldest of the group in the late sixties.It took two eventful tours in Vietnam, a handful of medals, a knee full of shrapnel, and an honorable discharge before the unthinkable happened: Bill ran out of wars. But now an army of infected has declared war on humanity. After decades of aimless drifting and dead-end jobs, Bill's finally gotten back the only thing he ever wanted: an enemy to fight.
Like Bill, you are a wise person, and are a bit grumpy. You probably find yourself thinking how can some people be that dumb, and find answers before anyone else. You should try and understand others, and put that clever mind to work!

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)



"When things go back to normal, Zoey, Bill, I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'm gonna teach yo ass how to read."

Louis is the most upbeat Survivor and attempts to keep the group's spirits up, no matter what the situation. Given the life-threatening risks facing the Survivors, this behavior is manifest to such an exaggerated degree that Louis may be displaying the psychological defense known as reaction formation whereby an individual behaves in way that is the direct opposite of how they truly feel. Credible evidence for this can be derived from the fact that before the Infection, Louis was a serious-minded, diligent and ambitious corporate executive. He is usually optimistic despite the situation that he and his fellow Survivors are in. Sometimes, he is so optimistic and high in spirits that Francis will callously insult Louis.
You are that person that everyone gets along with. Everyone likes you because you are a responsible person that takes things seriously, but knows how to have fun. Keep that optimism up!

(Informations taken from http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki)

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