What Star Wars Charater are you?

Who are you?

Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 22, 2016

What your favorite color

what your favorite food

Whats your favorite season

Whats your favorite subject

Are you male or female

Do you like Kylo Ren/Ben Solo or Poe Dameron

Whats your favorite animal

Han solo

Han solo

You are Han Solo you are and outgoing person that people like to be around. However you always get into a lot of trouble, you are a excellent pilot. You have a really great friend that you always like to be around named chewy. You are also very humorous, and enjoy the company of others

Leia Skywalker

Leia Skywalker

You are Leia Skywalker daughter of Anakin. You don't need anyone to take care of you you are responsible and kind and not that gentle and you are tough and don't need anyone to take care of you you can take care of yourself. The force is strong in your family.

Kylo ren

Kylo ren

You are Kylo Ren, or also known as ben Solo. You don't know whats right or wrong, you are confused but very powerful and have the force in your family since your mother is Leia and your father is Han Solo. You have grown very strong and powerful but the good thing is that you are not bad completly you still have some light in you that you never knew was there.



You are Rey, you are very strong and powerful and you don't need anyone to take care of you. You can handle things on your own. You are a excellent pilot and know quite a lot. You are smart and don't need anyone to look after you.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

You are Luke Skywalker. You know whats right and what wrong you can handle thing on your own and you are very powerful with the force. You are learning how to because a Jedi. You know the right thing to do even if people make you do whats wrong. Even if the Sith tried to turn you to the dark side you refused and fought back.

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker

You are Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one. You are lost and confused but still very powerful you are a excellent pilot and have a great life until... fear, anger,hate and suffering took over you body and you turned to the dark side. However you are strong and kind to your wife and Obi Wan. The force is strong with you.



You are Finn. You are a fighter you tried to fight Kylo Ren while others would have just ran away but you fought for everyone including Rey and helped Poe escape from star killer base. you are humerous and know what wrong and right you left the dark side and joined the light. You are more than just a stormtrooper.



You are Poe. A excellent pilot with a friend named BB-8. You are strong and know how to take care of yourself you tried to fight off kylo ren when he was trying to get inside your head. You know whats right and wrong.

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