Life in Nelson's Navy
Life in Nelson's Navy
How well would you have done as a sailor in the 'Age of Sail'?
Find out if you would sink or swim...
How well would you have done as a sailor in the 'Age of Sail'?
Find out if you would sink or swim...

What shape were the plates used by sailors while on board?
How were sailors most likely to die on board a ship?
In 1805 how many battles would the average seaman experience?
How much rigging (rope) did one warship need to operate?
By what term were skilled men such as carpenters, sailmakers and cooks known?
When did the admiralty take away a sailor's tot of rum?
What was partially responsible for the sinking of the British ship, the Royal George in 1752?
What was the official punishment for drunkenness?
Nelson was a magnificent sailor but what did he suffer from?
The navy was divided into three squadrons, but what were they called?
How many ships were called HMS Victory?