Which character are you in the epic story of Ramayana?
Which character are you in the epic story of Ramayana?
Are the brave Rama? Or could you be the evil ten-headed Ravana? Take this quick* quiz and find out who you are.
*only 6 questions! :)
Are the brave Rama? Or could you be the evil ten-headed Ravana? Take this quick* quiz and find out who you are.
*only 6 questions! :)

If you were to grow up in a story, which part would you want?
There are scary, terrible, and ugly demons in the forest! What do you do.
You heard news that someone were about to be exiled!
You are trying to get to another island. what do you do?
Your partner decides to fight for evil. Do you join him/her for this?
Who do you wish to be?
You are the brave, mighty... Rama! He is the King of Ayodya, and he married Sita. You and Sita are also considered the perfect couple! People think you are amazing. You are Lord Rama. You have defeated many demons, including the main and most evil one : Ravana. The reason you were able to marry Sita was because you strung Lord Shiva's bow! How amazing! You have a brother named Lakshamana, and when you were young, you two grew happily and you guys were excellent in sports!
You are the beautiful, and a little stubborn..... Sita. She is the Queen of Ayodya, and is married to Rama. You and Rama are considered the perfect couple! how lucky is that?! You once were captured by Ravana, and only would get saved by your husband, little stubborn. You almost killed yourself for him! But you were very lucky, to meet the Fire god: Agni. You and Rama ruled for many years together! You also have a sister named Urmila
You are the evil demon king... Ravana! You stand giant and powerful, and you have 10 heads and 20 arms. You are the main evil villain in the story. You once have captured The Queen of Ayodya (Sita) and tried to marry her she was stubborn and said no. You have tried t defeat The mighty Lord Rama (Sita's husband), but you lost,shot in the heart and was killed.
The gods: Shiva, Sagara , Agni, and Hanuman
The gods: Shiva, Sagara , Agni, and Hanuman
You are the gods in the epic story! You are helpful, wise, and strong. Lord Shiva had a bow which no one could string! Then finally Rama strung it unfortunately, to marry Sita. Lord of the Ocean is Sagara, he ordered monkeys to make a bridge so Rama and others could cross. Agni, the fire god, He saved Sita's life by catching her before she died in a funeral pyre. He understood Sita's purity. Finally, Hanuman. He is a well-known monkey, he can change forms and leap great distances. Also very strong! He brought a whole giant mountain to a place called Lanka! son of the wind god!