Can You Pass The Gifted Introvert Test?
Can You Pass The Gifted Introvert Test?
Are you worthy of the introvert gift? Find out now!
Are you worthy of the introvert gift? Find out now!
"I think things through before I answer"
"I prefer to have the last word in a conversation"
"I am spontaneous"
"I enjoy being alone"
"I notice the small details that others wouldn't"
"I rarely get bored as I enjoy absorbing every bit of information around me"
"I think 'small talks' are a waste of time"
"I tend to get protective when someone criticizes me"
"I make my arguments based on numbers and facts"
"My first impression of people is mostly correct"
You are an extremely gifted introvert!!
You are an extremely gifted introvert!!
You are an extremely gifted introverted!!
You are in the small percentage of people who are exceptional! Gifted introverts usually have exceptional intelligence with an IQ which is above 160. You possess unique qualities that make you very special from the general population. These qualities include being intuitive, a healer, being very in touch with your inner thoughts while being able to understand others on a deeper level.
100% gifted introvert!
100% gifted introvert!
You are a gifted introvert!!
All introverts are special and unique in their actions and how they think...and you are definitely in that group of awesomeness!! While you may be misunderstood by others at times, it is clear that you possess something that is extremely noteworthy as you look at the world in a completely different way and see things that the rest of the population would never that is a true gift!!
50% gifted introvert, 50% smart extrovert
50% gifted introvert, 50% smart extrovert
You are a combination of an introvert and extrovert!
While you exhibit some behaviors of an introvert, the majority of your actions tend to be extroverted. Do not worry, you still show some signs of introverted behavior which makes you super cool!