We Know Where You're Going To Spend Eternity
We Know Where You're Going To Spend Eternity
Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? Take the test and find out where you will be spending the afterlife!
Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? Take the test and find out where you will be spending the afterlife!

You find a purse on the floor in the street, what do you do?
An ideal night for you is ...
There is one piece of cake left, what do you do?
What do you consider most important in a friend?
You catch your best friends boyfriend cheating on them, what do you do?
Are you ...
What is your deadly sin?
Who is your idol?
If you had to choose between your death or your lovers who would you chose?
What is your ideal lifestyle?
You've been a saint in this life and your results show that you will be passing through the golden gates to a life of peaceful eternity. You've made good decisions in this world and have understood what it truly means to live a good life and give to the world. Your selfless soul will be rewarded in your next life as you will enjoy a lifetime of pure pleasures surrounded many others full of light and love.
You’ve enjoyed a hedonistic life but your wickedness has led you to the gates of hell in the afterlife. You’ll spend eternity paying for your lavish lifestyle on earth but hey - it was fun while it lasted, right?
You’ve lived this life playing by the rules as much as you possibly can, but you’re only human and everyone makes mistakes. You’ll spend a couple of thousand years in purgatory to work off all those sinful good times you’ve been having - you know the ones - but eventually you’ll be welcomed into the warm light of heaven.