How Ballsy Are You?
How Ballsy Are You?
What kind of confidence do you have and can you tell people what you really feel?
What kind of confidence do you have and can you tell people what you really feel?

How long does it take for you to express your opinions?
If you don't agree with a political issue, how do you address the issue?
Where do you think first?
People would describe you in a situation of conflict as...
Which extreme sport would you try?
Other peoples opinions mean...
You don't enjoy your job, you...
Extremely Ballsy!
Extremely Ballsy!
You are ballsy and brave. You know what you want and you are not afraid to express your opinions. Some might call you brash or abrupt but you are just ballsy and people who can't handle that aren't worth your time.
Pretty Ballsy!
Pretty Ballsy!
You are pretty ballsy! You know your boundaries and limits but you're not afraid to step over them. Your ballsy nature ensures you will always get what you want from life but you are tactful and will pick the right moments to let out your inner fire.
Ball and Chain!
Ball and Chain!
In terms of ballsy, you could be considered to have half of your balls. You tend to avoid conflict and prefer to be a mediator. You are extremely patient and this is one of your many skills. It takes a while for someone to push you over the edge but when they do your ballsy nature will be in the limelight.
Not ballsy at all
Not ballsy at all
You are a calm and patient person who likes to follow the waves of life. You're happier to go with the flow than cause friction because you're looking for a calm, uncomplicated life and you know this is the best way to go.