If You Pass This Extremely Difficult Test, Your Relationship Will Last Forever
If You Pass This Extremely Difficult Test, Your Relationship Will Last Forever
Ever wondered where it will all go? Let's see if you can pass this test and last the test of love.
Ever wondered where it will all go? Let's see if you can pass this test and last the test of love.
You have been in a long term relationship for a few years and you clock someone in a party that completely takes your breath away, what do you do?
Your career is...
If someone offers you the adventure of a lifetime with an incredible work opportunity, what do you do?
What does the term family mean to you?
The world is your oyster and you can set sail to follow your dreams, where would you go?
You feel most at peace...
Power is a concept that...
Home is...
Mid-term love
Mid-term love
You and your partner both love your independent lives and careers. You also don't believe in the concept of a soul mate and want to have different experiences that help you grow as a person. You love your partner and your relationship but you are also a realist and understand that you can love many people in many different ways and sometimes certain people enter your life for one thing or another.
Fun, young love
Fun, young love
You are in a fun and young moment of your relationship. You both love each other a lot but you also have your own dreams and desires. You both want each other to succeed so depending on what happens in your lives, this love could end after any given chapter or continue forever. What is important is that you stay true to yourself and your dreams and that will always guide you down the right path.
Forever until death do us part
Forever until death do us part
You are in this relationship for the long run. Taking this test has proven that you will do anything for your partner and you are both willing to take sacrifices for one another. A family and a stable household is what you aspire to so you will fight for it no matter what. You have your priorities in place and this love is definately a lasting love.