The Definitive Friends Personality Quiz
The Definitive Friends Personality Quiz
Everyone's a mix of the Friends, but find out the exact percentage mix you are with this short quiz.
Everyone's a mix of the Friends, but find out the exact percentage mix you are with this short quiz.

What is your favourite Thanksgiving recipe?
What is your ideal profession?
What is your attitude towards relationships?
What is your greatest fear?
In Central Perk what are you mainly doing?
What is your creative passion?
How would you describe your personality?
How would you describe your upbringing?
Which person were you in high school?
70% Ross and 30% Chandler
70% Ross and 30% Chandler
You are intelligent and caring - but also super awkward sometimes. You have passions for things that border on obsession, and people tease you for being nerdy - but you love talking about your interests anyway, and you insist that you’re not blah, you are a HOOT, despite that your Thing is not knowing when to shut up. You’re pretty emotional, but cover that up with all the sarcastic comments you offer instead of advice. You’re sensitive to social tension, probably because you’ve achieved unagi - a total state of awareness, which also means that you can be prepared for any danger that may befall you.
60% Phoebe and 40% Joey
60% Phoebe and 40% Joey
You’re super extroverted and attract attention wherever you go with your creating and outgoing personality. You are the energy train and everyone else is getting on board. Although you insist that you do things for the fun of it, you have a deeply competitive streak and even if that makes everyone else hate you sometimes, you’re ok with that. In an alternate universe, you’d be making bank in a high-flying executive role somewhere, but as it is, you love your job, even if it’s not the most well paid in the world, you’re driven by passion for what you do. You project a tough external image, but deep down you have a desperate need to please, and so love spending as much time hosting parties for your friends as possible. When you let yourself, you can be totally kooky and off the rails!
70 % Joey and 30 % Rachel
70 % Joey and 30 % Rachel
You are flirtatious and charming and totally lovable. You always find yourself at the centre of people’s attention because you’re a natural performer with a great sense of comic timing. You might not necessarily be the most academic person - but that’s a moo point - your life is about pursuing what you love, in your own sweet time. You’re totally happy with who you are, which means when people keep telling you you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe, you’re fine to turn around and tell them that you want to be a hat.
70 % Monica and 30% Ross
70 % Monica and 30% Ross
You’re a perfectionist and love it when things go your way. Your biggest pet peeves are people being late and messiness - to the extent that you won’t date someone with a messy apartment. You love spending time in the kitchen, especially when you’re making FAJITAS. You fall in love easily and breakups can be hard, especially because you tend to fall people who are closely linked to your friends or family. You look for the security of relationships, are detail-oriented and are strongly opinionated.
70 % Chandler and 30 % Pheobe
70 % Chandler and 30 % Pheobe
You are known for your great sense of humour but most people don’t realise that you make jokes when you’re uncomfortable. However, people value it because you’re always the one lightening the mood with a well-placed joke. Sometimes, it feels like you say more dumb things before 9AM than most people say all day, but your goofiness is why people love you. You’re not really driven by your career, most people don’t really understand exactly what it is you do, but as long as it pays you enough to pursue your creative hobbies you’re fine with that.
60% Rachel and 40% Monica
60% Rachel and 40% Monica
You’re a sensitive person who is career driven and incredibly loyal to your friends. You want to get to the top, happy put your career before your relationships if necessary. You’re a bit zany and very in touch with your emotions, sometimes getting very upset at even the hint of unpleasantness. Nonetheless, you are incredibly strong-minded, and will not let anyone bully you into making the wrong decision. Your friendships are very valuable to you, and when lovely things happen to them, you are very happy for them and not at all jealous, well, probably 98% happy and maybe 2% jealous.