This Hallucinogenic Quiz Will Reveal Your Deep Psychic Purpose
This Hallucinogenic Quiz Will Reveal Your Deep Psychic Purpose
Ever wondered what your psychic purpose in life was?
Ever wondered what your psychic purpose in life was?
You are being guided...
This picture represents...
What do you feel when you look at this picture?
This picture represents...
What lies beyond the light?
If you could be a color what color would you be?
Cities represent...
What does this picture make you feel?
We are simply...
Your deep psychic purpose is movement
Your deep psychic purpose is movement
Your psychic feeling involves movement. When you are sitting still, you can't help but feel your pulse vibrate. In order to feel complete, you must be moving and understanding the energy of the world. You have an urgent need to feel connected with others and have a constant flow of emotions to feel alive. Your deep psychic purpose is to connect and move the energy that you are circulating with others around the world.
Your deep psychic purpose is observance
Your deep psychic purpose is observance
You have quite the reliable eye so your psychic purpose is to observe. You use your observational skills to make the right decisions for yourself and those closest to you in life. People always look to you for advice and you know exactly what to say at the right time. You have a still patience that understands how the world works. Stillness is your strength and the cogs keep turning while you organize a strategic plan to try and understand the why.
Your deep psychic purpose is teaching
Your deep psychic purpose is teaching
Your deep psychic purpose is to teach. You have a gift and you must exploit this gift by sharing it with the world. You were put on this earth to teach and spread knowledge. You are intuitive and can see things other people cannot. Guidance is your key to success and you have a moral purpose to guide others down the right path through education and sharing your knowledge.
Your deep psychic purpose is healing
Your deep psychic purpose is healing
You have a spiritual power to heal. When people are in need they are naturally attracted to you. You have an internal strength and power alligned with calm energy so you can observe and see things which other people cannot. Your soul purpose in this world is to help and heal wherever life guides you.