What Is Your True Inner Beauty?
What Is Your True Inner Beauty?
What quality radiates from you and illuminates your entire being?
What quality radiates from you and illuminates your entire being?

What makes you feel best?
Which picture are you most drawn to?
How long does it take you to get ready?
Which picture are you most attracted to?
Walking into a party, you feel?
If you saw someone bullying someone on the street what would you do?
Do you give up easily?
What do you do to catch someone's attention?
What words do you associate with beauty?
Your inner beauty is being funny - whenever you enter a room, it lights up, because your glowing sense of humour radiates from even just your smile. You have a unique talent in finding something to laugh about, even when all seems hopeless, and it is this resilience which makes you attractive to people.
Your inner beauty is your overwhelming kindness and it is your defining characteristic too. You feel, powerfully, that humanity is a connected community of people who would thrive if only people were a little kinder, so you do your part to foster empathy in your own life. You are patient and only lose your temper when confronted with green or selfishness or bigotry. Kindness is a fragile flame to protect within your own life, as the world will do its best to put it out, but every small act of kindness strengthens it and reinforces your belief that kindness will overcome.
Your inner beauty is your confidence. You're never afraid to let your true self shine through, and in a world full of unhappy people, this strength of character is refreshing and inspiring. Your confidence does not dominate or overwhelm, but rather it elevates those around you. Just spending time with you makes others feel more secure and stronger, it is as though your belief in yourself is reflected upon your friends and companions, boosting your own confidence.
An Outgoing Nature
An Outgoing Nature
Your inner beauty is your outgoing nature. You're not afraid to take risks, and you're always the first person to come up with something new or exciting to do when everyone's bored. You're a natural extrovert who loves to be surrounded by your friends, performing, laughing and joking around. Your zest for life is what draws people to you.