Which Disney Villain Are You Most Like On A Monday?
Which Disney Villain Are You Most Like On A Monday?
Nobody likes Mondays.
Nobody likes Mondays.

Your alarm clock rings at 7am on a Monday morning, what does your face look like?
You open up the cupboard and you have run out of coffee, how do you feel?
The train is late. You feel?
When you get to the office, your colleague has stolen your seat, how do you deal with them?
You have thought of a masterplan to conquer the world on a Monday afternoon, what witch represents you?
You have had enough. Mondays are too difficult, what is your sad face?
Choose an object that helps you get through your Monday.
Monday evening swings around and you feel...
Cruela de Vil
Cruela de Vil
Monday mornings will often make you think you can take on the world and gain world power but within a few hours you are scratching the walls wanting the weekend to return. You might wake up fresh faced but your double personality and cruella de villish attitude soon kicks in after your two cups of coffee.
You are the bombtastic Ursula on a monday morning. Full of life and a vivacious attitude, your week looks bright and you have many plans you want to achieve, however when things don't start to go your way, you find it hard to snap out of it and the poison that runs through your veins might make a show.
You find monday mornings the bain of your life and you couldn't be any more demonic if you tried. The first person to see you on a monday will certainly feel the wrath of Hades. Getting up and about usually takes a few hours and you have a reputation of being difficult on mondays. You are probably best left to your own devices until Tuesday when you can start planning on leaving the underworld and conquering earth.
Your mondays are full of mystery and you find it difficult to get your head around the week ahead, however just like Jafar, you keep your priorities close and understand how to make the best out a tricky monday morning. After 3 cups of coffee you are ready to start the day, you can snap out of your post-weekend attitude and start envisioning how to run your masterplan and be the worlds greatest sultan.