Which Spiritual Master Do You Think Like?

How magical are you and which higher power do you embody every day?

Created by GiggleBuzz
On Dec 27, 2016

How do you get to work?

Which book would you take with you on a long journey?

What would be your first moral teaching?

What do you think happens once we die?

What colour are you attracted to?

Humans are...

What is the key to happiness?

What has been your most life changing experience?

Where in the world do you belong?

Life and death are...



You embody the feeling and sentiment of our christian master Jesus. You are a true, natural born leader and you can't help but want to change the world. People listen to you whenever you speak and your words are always wise and to the point. You understand that life involves sacrifice and one must sacrifice things to achieve the greater good. Selfless and strong, you are a higher spiritual master.



You embody the Ganeshian deity. You can solve problems whenever you are faced with one. A remover of obstacles and a patron of the arts, you flourish with creativity and light. Making new paths and foundations wherever you tread you are a true spiritual master that people just love to be around. You create opportunities for all and love to share your intellect and wisdom to make the world a better place.



You embody the Indian power of Krishna. Playful and powerful you are a lightning spirit that spreads power and magic every step you take. New boundaries and rules are made to be broken and you are a true performer that people love to be around. A model lover, you are full of spright and you are a source of inspiration for those around you.



You are as wise and pure as the spiritual master Buddha. You believe in karma and whatever you give to life, you get back. Life has a moral lesson and you choose to live completely in the present and spread this energy to others. Happiness is easy to find because you have a state of peace from within. People listen to you and you spread love and joy wherever you are present. You are a spiritual master that has the power to command the world.

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