Mean Girls Trivia Quiz

How well do you know the movie, Mean Girls?

Gina Grace
Created by Gina Grace (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 15, 2015
1 / 30

What did Karen ask Damien to spell when they had English class together?

2 / 30

Why does Cady like math?

3 / 30

What is one of the rules of sitting with The Plastics?

4 / 30

At the talent show, what is thrown at Damien while he is singing?

5 / 30

What was Cady's costume for Halloween?

6 / 30

When Aaron asked Cady what day it was, what day was it?

7 / 30

After Regina rubs the "face cream" (foot cream) on her face, what does Aaron say her face smells like?

8 / 30

What injury does Mr. Duvall have?

9 / 30

What does Jason ask Cady when she is walking through the lunchroom?

10 / 30

What did Gretchen tell Caty to look for when it came to Regina's mom?

11 / 30

Where is it rumored that Regina does car commercials?

12 / 30

How did Regina ruin Janis's life?

13 / 30

What was Karen's apology to the group of girls?

14 / 30

How did Aaron find out that Regina was cheating on him with Shane?

15 / 30

What was the name of the bars that Regina was eating to lose weight?

16 / 30

What was the dress store that Regina went to to get her Spring Fling dress?

17 / 30

Why wasn't Mr. Duvall allowed to cancel the Spring Fling?

18 / 30

On Kevin Gnapoor's card, what was after Math Enthusiast?

19 / 30

Why could Cady no longer see Aaron during school at the end of the movie?

20 / 30

What did Gretchen's father invent?

21 / 30

How did Regina break her spine?

22 / 30

When Mrs. Norbury incorrectly greets the student she thinks is from Africa, where does the student say she is from in return to the statement?

23 / 30

Where did Caty eat lunch during the first day of school?

24 / 30

When Damien is driving him and Janis away from Caty's party, what does he yell?

25 / 30

What is one of Caty's theories about Regina?

26 / 30

Why does Rachel call Karen stupid while Karen is trying to console her?

27 / 30

What sport do we see Aaron playing when Cady waves to him?

28 / 30

Who is Mrs. Norbury seen dancing with at the Spring Fling?

29 / 30

Who does Janis end up with?

30 / 30

How does Regina keep Jason away from the girl he is with at the mall?

Questions left
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