Which She-Ra Character Are You?
Which She-Ra Character Are You?
You're definitely not Castaspella. So who ARE you anyway?
You're definitely not Castaspella. So who ARE you anyway?

Wouldn't you love to find a magic sword that would transform you into... well, something else? Or maybe you're all good being your own kind of Glimmer?
Whatever you think, try this quiz to find out who you really are in the inside...
What's your high school stereotype?
What Hogwarts house do you most relate to?
How would you go about asking someone out on a date?
What's your New Year's resolution?
What kind of car would you most like to drive?
What's your musical taste like?
Choose a D&D class
How would you describe your fashion sense?
Choose a drink
How good are you at putting together Ikea furniture?
You and your friends are going camping. What's your role?
What's your pet peeve?
You're Adora! You believe you can solve anything with punching, planning, and overwhelming anxiety.
You're Bow! Everyone's mom loves you.
You're Glimmer! All you want is for people to take you seriously but it's hard because you're just SO DANG CUTE.
You're Catra! You're pissy because you're God's perfect killing machine but you only weigh 8 pounds and people keep picking you up and kissing you.
Shadow Weaver
Shadow Weaver
You're Shadow Weaver! You have incredibly powerful magic, and you mostly use it to scare children.
You're Hordak! Oh no!
You're Scorpia! You don't really understand what's going on but you're excited to be here! Hooray!
You're Entrapta! You don't really understand the point of personality quizzes but it seems important to the people around you to divide themselves into groups so you are doing your best to play along!
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