Which Real Housewife Of Cheshire Is Your Spiritual Sister?
Which Real Housewife Of Cheshire Is Your Spiritual Sister?
The UK has its crop of Real Housewives too, and they don't come feistier than the glamorous WAGs of Cheshire.
The UK has its crop of Real Housewives too, and they don't come feistier than the glamorous WAGs of Cheshire.
What's a girl to do with a va va voom cleavage?
Children - They're sweet, they're cuddly, but what do we have them for?
All your bessie mates are..
What is your fave outdoor activity?
What would be your ideal home business?
Pick an animal..
What is your heart's desire?
Pick a tipple
Choose an expression
What magazine would you read?
'I'm no-one's lap dog'
'I'm no-one's lap dog'
You got Leanne - With a sweet face and a perfect smile, you can be purrrfectly catty if your friends are bad mouthed
'Mamma is ready'
'Mamma is ready'
You got Magali - You speak your mind and demand respect - with menaces
'I am me!'
'I am me!'
You got Dawn Ward - You're so important your first name alone just won't do! Everyone who is anyone wants to be you
'I'm totally self made'
'I'm totally self made'
You got Tanya - You're a laugh a minute and just a bit batty. Anyone for a spiritualist sage cleanse?
'I have an air of mystery'
'I have an air of mystery'
You got Ampika - You're all front, but there's a little -girl-lost lurking within
'It's OK to put your foot in it'
'It's OK to put your foot in it'
You got Lauren - Slightly off the wall, you have a butterfly brain and a big mouth