How well do you know the Firefly books?
How well do you know the Firefly books?
written by Scarlet Tanca
written by Scarlet Tanca
what are firefly parents name?
Which character says "well if your done with your shenanigans..."
Who help you against your sister?
who Is Daniel?
Who's parents were killed in the battle against Wolf Ear Village?
Who Kidnaps Firefly and Alex?
What type of dragon does Alex's have?
what are the names of Firefly's two wolves?
Who is Isaiah?
Who are the Testers?
What is Daniel's nickname?
Who pulls Firefly out of a burning Chopper?
Which Charcter seams to get in the most trouble?
You don't know this at all are you sure that you read the book?
You don't know this at all are you sure that you read the book?
If you did you need to reread it.
you did ok...
you did ok...
you know a little about the book.
You did good
You did good
You have read the book and know your stuff.
Your on fire!!!
Your on fire!!!
You definitely read the books. You know you stuff and your not fooling around.