Quanto รจ Buona la Tua Memoria?

Scopri quante immagini puoi memorizzare!

Creato da giovanni (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
il 9 gen 2016

Spegni la tua mente e memorizza ognuna delle seguenti foto... capito?

Ok! Ora fai un respiro profondo. Vediamo quanto davvero ricordi!

Sembra familiare?

Hai visto questa foto prima d'ora?

Quale delle seguenti foto hai giร  visto?

Era in mezzo alle foto che hai visto?

Quale delle seguenti foto hai giร  visto?

Quale dei seguenti TV show hai visto?

Ricordi di avere visto questa foto?

Di che colore era il cane in questa foto?

Di chi รจ la pancia su cui riposano queste fragola?

Che dipinto ti ricorda?

Di che magazine รจ la copertina?

Di che colore รจ il suo abito?

Hai un incredibile memoria

Hai un incredibile memoria

Impressive! You remembered all of the photos! You most likely have what's called an "eidetic" memory. This means that you have a remarkable ability to recall images. You pay attention to detail, you notice the small things, and you have a gut intuition that kicks in when you've seen something more than once. You have a great analytic abilities and you're a natural born problem solver.

Hai una buona memoria

Hai una buona memoria

You have a good memory! You remembered most of the images. You're attentive, caring and always see the big picture. You may miss and few details here and there, but you're always on top of it and few things are too challenging for you. We're quite impressed, what do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Hai da lavorarci su

Hai da lavorarci su

You gave it a good try, but you've got some work to do. There were more than a few images that you didn't remember. Don't worry, this just means that you think outside the box and have a naturally creative spark. You don't need to pay attention to the details, because you're in your own world. A good memory, though, can get you far. Studies have found that curry, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and walnuts contain antioxidants and other compounds that protect your brain and improve your memory! Bon apeptite!

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