Who would you be in the Harry Potter world?

I know we all want to go to hogwarts, learn magic, be friends with harry, and evan learn to play quittage. lets see what your life would look like in the harry potter world!

Created by girlkiddo (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 3, 2018

What Hogwarts house would you be in?

Favorite caracter

What would be your Patronus?

Witch Harry Potter treat?

What will your wand be made out of?

Which special item?

Whats your favorite Harry potter quote?

Which broomstick?

Violet Lynn Marie

Violet Lynn Marie

house: Hufflepuff

Blood: muggle born

Year:you are in the same year as Harry

Patronus: deer

Family: ypu live with a famaly of muggles that dont know anything about magic

Best class: potions

Worst class: transformation

Boyfriend: Neville

friends: Every one. you are sweet and it is imposable for anyone to hate you.

Enemys: no one

Grades: c's and d's

Backstory: Your magic had skipped a generation and your parents dont evan know that magic exists! When you got your Hogwarts letter your parents thought it was an high edgicated school and was so proud. Now that you know that thier is nothing normal about Hogwars you are bound determaine to keep it a secret.

How you met Neville: You where in the train during your first year when he came by asking if you had seen his rat. you said no but to promise to keep a look out for him. He was very cute and you realy wanted to get to know him
How you and Neville got togather: After another day of class you wher headed to the next class and had notesed he had turned to your corner. You had slown down right befor he notaced you. he had headed strait twared you and just kissed you out of nowhere. you happly kissed back. Evan though you both ended up being late for class you had gotten what you wanted and agread to be his girlfriend.

future: you and Neville had gotten married with one kid and a dog.

Sara Rae Jones

Sara Rae Jones

house: Ravenclaw

Blood: full blood

Year: The same year as Oliver Wood

Patronus: owl

Family: your family had pushed you to be the greatest you could posibly be. In the end you wher thankfull to have such wonderfull parents.

Best class: History of magic

Worst class: Astronamy

Boyfriend: Oliver Wood

friends: you where fiends with Hannah Abbott and Cho Chang

Enemys: like most you despised the Malfoys and thier lot.

Grades: A's and B's

Backstory: your whole life you tried to be the greatest that you could posibly be

How you met Oliver: He traked you down to tutor him because his grades where low and he needed good grades to continue quidige. You axcepted knowing he was cute and desprit.

Hou you and Oliver got togather: about a week after you both had tooken your O.W.l.'s he had come streat to you to tell you that he had passed and it was all thanks to you. Seeing him so happy had exited you and before you knew it you wher kissing you. Shocked he had kissed you back and you had spent the rest of your lives happly together.

future: You married Oliver and had three kids

Monica Weasly

Monica Weasly

house: Hufflepuff

Blood: half blood

Year:same year as luna

Patronus: humming bird

Family: the weaslyes

Best class: Harbolagy

Worst class: Defence against dark arts

Boyfriend: none

friends: Harry potter and the others

Enemys: Pansy Parkinson

Grades:B's and C's

Backstory: you are ginny's twin sister!!!

future: During Hogwarts you wasnt focused on Love. But one day you met this wonderfull man named Thomos Whiteand you two lived a wonderfull life together with twins!

Melanie heart

Melanie heart

house: Gryffindor

Blood: pure blood

Year: same year as Harry

Patronus: Cat

Family: You and your family used to live far away from muggles but not because you live on magic. It is because you have constant nightmares, visions, migrains, and everywhere you you go you may see or hear things.

Best class: Transmution

Worst class: charms

Boyfriend: Draco Malfoy

friends: You have made great friends with Harry, Ron, Hagrid Harmione, Luna, and Ginny.

Enemys: You only tend to make enemys with thoes who are mean to you first

Grades: A's and B's

Backstory: ever sence you wher a kid you had constant night mares, visions, migrains, and everywhere you you go you may see or hear things.

How you met Draco Malfoy: You wher hanging out with Harry, and Ron on the first train ride to Hogwarts when Draco came in talking to Harry. When you saw him your insides tighten and you could feel your face getting red. You know exactly why Harry and Draco are enemy's so you just avoid Draco no matter how much it hurts.

How you and Draco Malfoy got togather: During the fifth year of Hagwarts during cristamas break sence all your friends left you stayed at school. One day you had just left the library and was headed for your house wjen you had seen Draco turn around the corner and was headed streat tward you. Then out of nowhere he punned you up aggensed the wall and started snogging you intencly. You couldnt help yourself and kissed back whith all youve got. You wher happy to axept dating him but have no idea how you are to tell the others.

future: You endid up marying Draco and living haply ever after with two kids.

Athena rose

Athena rose

house: Ravenclaw

Blood: pure blood

Year: Same year as Luna

Patronus: wolf

Family: Your parents are deforced and you live with your mom wile your little sister lives with your dad. You look forward to the day you meet her in Hogwarts.

Best class: Defence agianced dark arts

Worst class: Herbology

Boyfriend: Cho Chang's little brother named Alaxander

friends: Luna, Cho Chang and Ginny

Enemys: Hannah Abbott

Grades: B's and F's

Backstory: You keep everything about you a secret

How you met Alaxander: Cho Chang talks about him. and when he first arived at the school you wher the first volanteer to show him around.

How you and Alaxander got togather: You both had goten detantion and he helped you sneek out. After wards he pulled you in for a kiss as you didnt know what to to you kissed back.

future: You ended up being a teacher at Hogwarts and married to Alaxander but you both desided you dont want to have children.

Anna May Jones

Anna May Jones

house: Gryffindore

Blood: half blood

Year: Same year as Harry

Patronus: fox

Family: People see you and your fammily as "normal" but that is far from the case. As you have a bloodline of wizards on your dads side of the family.

Best class: Defence agianced dark arts

Worst class: Potions

Boyfriend: Harry Potter

friends: you dont tend to make friends with very many people but you and Hagrid get each other more than anyone els.

Enemys: Every one on Slytheran

Grades:B's and C's

Backstory: People dont exactly count you as "Normal" youve always stood outside of the box

How you met Harry: Everyone has heard of harry right? Everone exept you. wile growing up you parants have never felt the need to read the wizarding news. youve never have eather wich is why you have never heard of harry potter. When you heared Harry Potter was around you wher more than confused. Then everyone gone on to talking about him. When you had the courage to blurt out what was on your mind "who is Harry Potter?" everyone stopped to stair at you. Then wispers and rumers began to spread. You never cared about rumers but was realy agervated when no one answered your question. Then the people had pushed this boy twared you. He was realy cute and when he toughed you it had made your heart glow. Then you Knew. This is Harry Potter.

How you and Harry got together: When you heard the the ball was coming up for the goblit of fire your stomach turned in so many diferant ways. you whernet planning on going until the day right before the dance. Harry had come up to you and your cheeks felt warm. After he asked you to go with him you where soo realived. Thier is only one question left. What are you going to wear?

future: Thier was no dowt that you wher going to marry Harry but do you realy think that thier was no adventure in your future. This is Harry Potter. Hello!!!

Addilyn Grace

Addilyn Grace

house: Slytherin

Blood:full blood

Year: Same year as Malfoy

Patronus: Swan

Family: you live with your rich famaly and a mansion.

Best class: potions

Worst class: flying. This hair was NOT made to be up in the air

Boyfriend: Only the BEST is worthy for your type

friends: Everyone on Slytheran

Enemys: Grffandore and Hufflepuff

Grades: so what if you have F's all that matters is that your better than everyone els

Backstory: You live right down the street from Malfoy and used to come over alot as a kid.

Gracie Anne wright

Gracie Anne wright

house: Slytherin altho you have no idea why

Blood: half blood

Year: Same year as Ginny

Patronus: Goat

Family: You live with a farm and wasnt realy born to stand out

Best class: flying

Worst class: Transfiguration

Boyfriend: Ron

friends: you are friends with ron and harry even thogh you are in Slytheran

Enemys: you try not to make many enemys

Grades: A's and C's

How you met Ron: you simply walked in on Ron wile he was being picked on by malfoy. you stood up for him which he was gratfull for.

How you and Ron got togather: The simple way. He came up to you and asked you out as you happly acxepted.

future: You and Ron get married and have several kids.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021