Which Puppy Pokémon Are You?
Which Puppy Pokémon Are You?
If you were a basic dog-like pokémon, which one would you be? Take this quiz to find out!(Not including fighting?electric types/legendaries.) So what are you waiting for? Click PLAY!
If you were a basic dog-like pokémon, which one would you be? Take this quiz to find out!(Not including fighting?electric types/legendaries.) So what are you waiting for? Click PLAY!

Which one of these words describes you best?
What's your favourite type of music?
If you could have any fur colour, what would it be?
How do you like to battle?
Where is your secret hideout?
Your fur is...
What do you think of the image above?
You are the playful Poochyena! You love having fun and you love food! You attack your opponents by biting them or using cool dark-type moves like shadow ball! You eat anything you can. What's not to love about Poochyena? POOCHYENA IS SO CUTE AND IS MY FAVOURITE POKÉMON!
You are a dark houndour! Some say you are really cool, and you are really powerful!
You're Growlithe, and you LOVE breathing fire! You have heaps of friends.
You are the oh-so-cute Lillipup! Everyone thinks Lillipup is adorable, and you can charm pretty much anyone with your cuteness! You are super friendly and get along really easily! You are also very brave, but when you face opponents, you know when to turn tail...
You are the newest puppy Pokémon so far, but you are already fitting in just fine! Everyone loves Rockruff!
You are stylish like a furfrou! You are the poodle Pokémon, and have good looks!