How Would Hippocrates Have Classified Your Temperament?
How Would Hippocrates Have Classified Your Temperament?
Hippocrates was an Ancient Greek physician who is often referred to as the Father of Western Medicine. He theorized that there are four basic kinds of temperament found in people - Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic or Sanguine. Take this fun quiz to find out where he would have placed you:
Hippocrates was an Ancient Greek physician who is often referred to as the Father of Western Medicine. He theorized that there are four basic kinds of temperament found in people - Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic or Sanguine. Take this fun quiz to find out where he would have placed you:

How do unpredictable situations make you feel?
Are you a spontaneous person?
Do you get bored easily?
How wide-ranging are your interests?
Are you an emotional person?
How high are your energy levels?
Pick the one closest to your ideal weekend:
I tend to spend my money on…
How good are you at keeping your impulses in check?
Where is your ideal place to live?
Intensely curious and creative, you also love luxury and enjoy dressing to impress. You’re willing to take risks in order to pursue your interests, and you also get bored very easily. You tend to have so much going on at any one time that you devote more attention to numerous deadlines rather than focusing on finishing one thing at a time.
Your imagination sets you apart, and you try to interpret the thoughts of others because of your deep-rooted empathy and desire to know their innermost feelings. You always strive to find an amicable solution when an argument arises among numerous people. Unfortunately making a firm decision is quite a challenge for you.
Highly money-oriented, you consider work to be fun, but at the same time have a history of struggling in positions that made you subordinate to someone else. Proving what you can do to others is far better than talking about it. Your determination to succeed is unwavering, and you think logically and analytically.
You are highly loyal to your family and somewhat of a traditionalist. You have no problems fitting into a hierarchy – order in every aspect of your life is the name of the game for you. While you always try to be accurate and stick to the facts, you do have a tendency to be pessimistic at times. Patience is a virtue!