What's Your Personality's Biggest Flaw?
What's Your Personality's Biggest Flaw?
Let's be real, none of us are perfect. We all have a personality defect. Some more than others, but we're here to help you out!
Let's be real, none of us are perfect. We all have a personality defect. Some more than others, but we're here to help you out!
A long work weekend just ended, it's Friday night and you're....
Your greatest pet peeve:
Choose your workout from the following:
(You have to choose one!)
When I am trying to convince someone of something...
What's your sign?
When you attend a party, which best describes the way you behave?
Describe yourself in one of the following words.
Choose a room:
You're shy! You're a natural introvert who's always known the perks of being a wallflower. You're chill, relaxed, humble, and subtle. You've never felt the need to be over the top and it takes you a while to warm up to new people. You prefer to be an observer, while being the center of attention is your worst nightmare. We get it, keeping to yourself can be safe and less stressful, but you have to break out once and a while. You're a star, the world needs to see it! Are you ready to shine? Let us know in the comments!
You're a perfectionist! Psychologists define perfectionism as a person's striving for flawlessness! Gurl, you're flawless! You're probably wondering, "wait, this is a defect?". You've got your life so together that you really can't imagine having any defects. Don't worry, you really are flawless, but those around you might worry about your insatiable need to get everything right. Psychologists agree that there are many positive aspects to perfectionism, but it's ok to make a mistake here and there! How perfect is your life? Let us know in the comments!
Master of exaggeration!
Master of exaggeration!
You're an exaggerator! You're a chatty kathy, a yenta, a story teller, a true artist! Life doesn't just happen, it explodes, fizzes, burns and zooms around you. You give every story and event a unique flare that captivates your audience, and of course you always have an audience. When Kerouac wrote "the only people for me are ...the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles”, he was obviously talking about YOU! You're fabulous, but reign it in a bit, every over the top story you spin brings your credibility down a notch! Sometimes, less is more. What do you think? Tell us a tale in the comments!
You're competitive! You're ambitious, energetic, and well, FIERCE! Some people need to please, some people need to take it easy, but YOU need to succeed and there's nothing stopping you! Your competitive spirit has gotten you far in life, but those around you are probably wondering why you don't just take a chill pill. Take a deep breath, not everything is a race. We all know you're going make it in life, so once in a while let someone else win. Are you up to the challenge? Let us know in the comments!
You're indecisive! Not sure if this fits? Well, we can't wait for you to decide! You're the ultimate fence-sitter who can never figure out which side is actually greener. BUT, this actually makes you the best diplomat. You're a natural born problem solver. You can see all sides of the story and you make your decisions very carefully. You never rush into anything and this makes you wise beyond your years. Just remember that the internal ping-pong of "should I? shouldn't I?" is exhausting! We think you should just take the plunge once in a while without deliberating. Try today and let us know what happens!
Party Animal
Party Animal
You're a party animal! You're the social butterfly that can never get enough. You're a wildcat, the life of the party! The bar closes at 130am?No problem, the after party is at your place. You're lighthearted, fun, popular, and always down for a kiki. You don't see any point in living if we can't enjoy life as we go along. You're the first to suggest going out and your birthday parties are probably legendary.You light up the room and bring the party, but try spending a night in! Think you can do it? Let us know in the comments!
Clean Freak
Clean Freak
You're a clean freak! Put down the broom and dust pan, or tell the maid to take a break and listen up. You're organized, healthy, and just can't stand a mess! Your home is a temple and you know better than anyone that cleanliness is close to godliness. No matter your circumstances, you'll never be messy! Your clean freak nature leaves you with a beautiful home and we love it but remember a few dirty dishes isn't the end of the world. Loosen up, live and let live a bit! Can you do it? Let us know in the comments!
Risk Taker
Risk Taker
You're a risk taker! Nothing terrifies you and the more difficult the challenge, the more excited you are to try it. In fact, you thrive on challenge. Whether it be backpacking, extreme sports, exotic food, or making friends with complete strangers, you're always eager to break out and experience something new. You're an adventurer with a tendency to throw everything to the wind for the sake of pushing yourself. Admirable, but we think you may need some boundaries. Russian roulette is always fun, until there's actually a bullet. Are you willing to take it down a notch? Let us know in the comments!