Which Lannister are You?
Which Lannister are You?
Which member of everyone's LEAST favourite family are you? Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Tywin or Joffrey?
Which member of everyone's LEAST favourite family are you? Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Tywin or Joffrey?
What do you lust for?
What is your dream job?
Who do you hate more?
Who do you want to protect the most
Who are you most jealous of?
What is your weakness
What was your least favourite moment? (SPOILERS)
What was your favourite moment? (SPOILERS)
Who would make a better queen?
What are you judged on?
What do you do in your free time?
Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei is fiercely protective of her three children. Even before she was married to Robert Baratheon, she was involved in a relationship with her twin brother, Jaime
Cersei's twin brother and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, it was he who slew the Mad King in violation of his oath to protect the royal family.
What Tyrion lacks in size and strength, he makes up for in mental acuity. Former Hand of the King in his father's absence, he now serves as Master of Coin on the Small Council.
Father of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion, Tywin Lannister is the wealthiest man in the Seven Kingdoms. He serves as the Hand of the King to his grandson Joffrey.
Over-indulged and cowardly, the young king has a cruel streak, particularly when it comes to those who are vulnerable.