The Transformers Aligned Continuity-Family Quiz
The Transformers Aligned Continuity-Family Quiz
Aligned Continuity Family = War For Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, Transformers Prime, Transformers Robots In Disguise (2015)
Answer as fast as you can, no cheating!
Aligned Continuity Family = War For Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, Transformers Prime, Transformers Robots In Disguise (2015)
Answer as fast as you can, no cheating!

Who accompanied Optimus Prime and Ironhide to Cybertron's infected core?
Jazz discovered which member of the Lightning Strike Coalition in critical condition, strapped to a wall?
What was Trypticon's ultimate fate?
Who was in charge of the orbital station that produced Dark Energon?
Who sacrificed himself to power the Ark?
What was Orion Pax's original occupation?
What is June Darby's occupation?
Who is Dreadwing's twin?
Which of these has never been a member of the Wreckers?
Who killed Tailgate?
Who created the Predacons?
Which of these Decepticons joined the Autobots?
What was the name of the Autobot prison ship which crashed on Earth?
What is Strongarm's rank?
What does the Japanese text on Sideswipe body say?