How Much Do You Know About Orcas?
How Much Do You Know About Orcas?
Take this quiz to find out how intelligent you are when it comes to facts about the ocean's top predator: the orca.
Take this quiz to find out how intelligent you are when it comes to facts about the ocean's top predator: the orca.

How many species of orca exist?
What species of orca is commonly found in aquariums & marine parks worldwide?
What do orcas eat?
In what oceans do orcas live in?
True or False: Orcas have the ability to kill sharks
Is albinism (born without pigment) a common trait in wild orcas?
Are orca mothers caring towards their babies?
True or False: Orcas play
How long do orcas live for?
How many orcas are currently in captivity?
You know your stuff!
You know your stuff!
Wow! You know your stuff about orcas! Seems like all that research in grade school sure did pay off!
Whoops... Maybe some research might help.
Whoops... Maybe some research might help.
Whoops... Maybe some research on this topic might help. Marine biology is a complicated concept, so don't feel bad. Better luck next time!