What is your Spirit Animal?
What is your Spirit Animal?
An undeniable connection exists between human beings and other animals, but sometimes we intuitively feel a special bond with a certain species. Perhaps a particular animal keeps appearing in your dreams or maybe you have had recurring sightings.
Cultures around the world have their own interpretations of the powerful connection between people and animals. In Celtic mythology, supernatural beings take animal forms and protect sacred places. The Mayans of Central America believed that they shared their soul with an animal spirit, according to their religion. The Ancient Egyptians revered animals: their gods took the form of hawks, jackals, and cats, and they often formed entire religions around a certain animal.
The animal guardian represents a type of spiritual guide. Have you ever wonder which animal watches over you? Take this quiz to discover your animal guardian, learn about your strengths, and how to receive messages from nature.
An undeniable connection exists between human beings and other animals, but sometimes we intuitively feel a special bond with a certain species. Perhaps a particular animal keeps appearing in your dreams or maybe you have had recurring sightings.
Cultures around the world have their own interpretations of the powerful connection between people and animals. In Celtic mythology, supernatural beings take animal forms and protect sacred places. The Mayans of Central America believed that they shared their soul with an animal spirit, according to their religion. The Ancient Egyptians revered animals: their gods took the form of hawks, jackals, and cats, and they often formed entire religions around a certain animal.
The animal guardian represents a type of spiritual guide. Have you ever wonder which animal watches over you? Take this quiz to discover your animal guardian, learn about your strengths, and how to receive messages from nature.

Which element do you connect with the most?
Which statement best describes your personality?
Which of the following describes you the most?
Choose the photo with your favorite activity.
I tend to be more “down to earth” than “head in the clouds”.
Which kinds of colors do you like the most?
How do you interact with other people?
How well do you adapt to change?
How do you make important decisions in life?
In which place would you find yourself the most comfortable?
Your animal guardian is the whale. You have a peaceful strength. Whales are also amazing communicators so you have a natural ability to speak from the heart and connect with others. The whale teaches you to understand the way your emotions impact your daily life and how to find peace in unrest. Call on your whale animal guardian when seeking your inner truth and for support to express your authentic self with vulnerability and power.
Your animal guardian is the wolf. You are intelligent with strong instincts. This beautiful animal reminds you to pay attention close attention to your intuition and guides you through the physical and spiritual realms. Call on your wolf animal guardian to avoid dangers and develop your intuition and psychic abilities.
Your animal guardian is the horse. You love freedom and seeking new adventures. The intuitive horse teaches you when to ride in new directions. Your animal guardian reminds you to balance your playful, free spirit with the tame part of yourself. Call on your horse animal guardian when seeking new beginnings, expression, vitality, and strength.
Your animal guardian is the eagle. You are a teacher and a visionary with inner wisdom that sees life from a broader perspective than others. Your animal guardian reminds you that in order to achieve your dreams and soar to new heights, you also need to use laser-sharp sight and focus on the small steps to reach your goals. Call on your eagle animal guardian for vision, strength, and courage when the winds of change are coming.
Your animal guardian is the lion. As the king of the jungle, you are a protector with a strong sense of self and the confidence to inspire those around you. Your animal guardian reminds you not to let anger, aggression, or your tendency to control get the best of you. Call on your lion animal guardian to stay assertive and strong even in the face of obstacles and danger.
Your animal guardian is the bear. You are silent, powerful, and grounded. You feel whole and complete in your sense of self even in solitude. Your animal guardian has a rugged independence and reminds you to stay in touch with the cycles of nature on your road to self-discovery. Call on your bear animal guardian when you need the courage to stand up to adversity.
Your animal guardian is the snake. Like a snake shedding its skin, you have the ability to transform as life changes. You are a natural healer. As a reptile, the snake has a deep connection to life force, understanding primal needs and instincts. Your animal guardian reminds you to shed layers of yourself that no longer serve you. Call on your snake animal guardian to assist in periods of transition and change.
Your animal guardian is the owl. You are an old soul with a deep inner wisdom and connection with the intuitive. You have a natural ability to see what others do not. Your animal guardian reminds you to seek the deeper meaning in life and to see beyond masks and deceit. Call on your owl animal guardian to discover wisdom during a life transition.
What is your Spirit Animal?