What's Your Impact On The World Around You?
What's Your Impact On The World Around You?
Find out how you make the world a better place.
Find out how you make the world a better place.
Where do you do most of your grocery shopping?
What did you last donate?
Have you ever volunteered?
Thoughts on clothes swaps with friends?
You notice a problematic intersection in your area that really needs a stop sign. Do you:
Which cause is closest to your heart?
How do you make the world a better place?
You care deeply about society, and spend a chunk of your time trying to make the world a better place. When you really believe in something you’ll work tirelessly for the cause - whether that means raising money, convincing your friends to help out or getting in touch with your local representative. Good on you!
Join people like you by taking part of Good Deeds Day on April 10, 2016: http://gdd.goodnet.org/
You’re all about making the world a better place - as long as it fits into your everyday life. You’ll donate if it seems worthwhile and easy, sign a petition if it’s something you believe in and get out there and volunteer if your friends are up for it. Once you’re involved you always get a buzz out of helping - why not organize your own event for Good Deeds Day on April 10, 2016?
Join the global movement for doing good, here: http://gdd.goodnet.org/