Who is Your Strongest Support System?
Who is Your Strongest Support System?
During the good times and the bad, who do you turn to first?
During the good times and the bad, who do you turn to first?

You just found out that you received a promotion at work. Who is the first person you tell?
Which adjectives best describe you?
You're having trouble deciding what color car to purchase. Who do you consult?
It's your bowling league championship. You scan the crowd and find...
Your friend invites you to a movie, but you have conflicting dinner plans with your parents, so you decide to...
You've had a rough day. You pick up your phone and call _____ to vent your frustration.
After a long day, there's nothing you'd rather come home to than....
On your desk, there is a picture of...?
Just like The Goldbergs, your family is everything. You have no problem confiding in your parents or siblings, and they're the first people you turn to for advice.
In case you need another reminder of how great family is, here’s a video sure to convince you once and for all:
It's all about your Friends. You depend on your friends for so much more than a good laugh or a night out. Your friends are the first people you turn to for advice, to share some good news, or if you've had a tough day.
Your bond with your friends can only get stronger. Check out these tips to find out how: http://www.goodnet.org/articles/3-simple-ways-to-strengthen-your-friendships-happify
Your support system is at The Office. You can always depend on your co-workers to support you when times get rough or to celebrate a happy occasion. They're the first people you turn to for both advice and consolation.
Since it seems you like spending your time at the office, here are some suggestions for how to make the most of your time at work: http://www.goodnet.org/articles/8-tips-to-get-happier-at-work
Local Community
Local Community
Whether it's your coach, religious leader, mailman, or even next-door neighbor, your local Community is your support system. You confide in and ask advice from members of your local community, and you know they will always have your back.
There’s no doubt - you love your local community. Check out this list about how to help make your community even better: http://www.goodnet.org/articles/10-ways-to-build-community-list
You're a "one man wolf pack." You depend mostly on your strong and independent character when times get tough. No need to lean on others - you look within yourself for comfort, advice, and praise.
While being fiercely independent is a good thing, it can’t hurt to develop more social bonds. Here’s a suggestion for how to do just that with music: http://www.goodnet.org/articles/four-ways-music-strengthens-social-bonds