Which Type Of Hipster Are You?

Always wondered if you're more folk, hippie, goth, paste, or grunge? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by GothGatsby (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 25, 2015

Who/what is your favorite artist/band?

What is your favorite website to shop on?

What is your favorite TV show?

Which is your favorite outfit?

Who is your favorite director?

What is your favorite spotify playlist?

Who is your favorite youtuber(s)?

What is your favorite movie?

Which one of these six things is on your Christmas list?

Who is your favorite author?

Which picture would you most likely post on instagram?

What is your favorite social media?

If you had to get a tattoo, which one would it be?

Which one is your dream room?

Which photo would you make your background on tumblr?



You're a care free, one-with-the-earth kinda person. You could live the rest of your life at a music festival and could care less what society thinks about you.



Black..... Seriously, that's what you're all about and you rock it. Docs on and bright colors off, you go against the flow and look cool because of it.



You're basically if grunge and boho had a baby and here you are. You get down to some Mumford and Dylan and you and/or your boyfriend probably has a beard.



Either a mermaid or pastel goth, you love the pastel aesthetic and this is the next "it" hipster so be prepared for some posers to take over your jam, but you"ll wear it better than them anyway.



Slept-in sweaters and Nirvana are your jam. You rock bed head every day and look killer in some converse.

Not One!

Not One!

Sorry, but you're not hipster. You jump on every trend and got a record player just to play 5SOS vinyls, which is so not hipster. Embrace your inner basic.

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