What Kind of Exotic Animal (That Most People Have Never Heard Of) Are You?
What Kind of Exotic Animal (That Most People Have Never Heard Of) Are You?
Learn what kind of exotic animal you are. Most of these animals people have never heard of. And they ARE real.
Learn what kind of exotic animal you are. Most of these animals people have never heard of. And they ARE real.
If you were an animal, where would you want to live?
How many friends do you have?
What is your favorite food?
Do people understand you?
If you were an animal, how would you escape predators?
A babirusa, also known as a pig-deer, is a relative of the pig that lives in Indonesia. They have four sets of tusks that grow up through their muzzle. The males usually live alone, but the females live in small groups. Their favorite food is fruits, but they will eat almost anything.
Tawny Frogmouth
Tawny Frogmouth
A tawny frogmouth is often mistaken for an owl, but the truth is, it is not an owl. They are native to Australia, and eat mostly insects. When they feel threatened, they stiffen their feathers and assume a sticklike posture.
Slow Worm
Slow Worm
Slow worms are often mistaken for snakes, but they are actually legless lizards. They live in Britain, and usually hide under rocks and things like that.
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnards are a very exotic kind of fish found in the Indian Ocean. They eat meaty seafoods. When they feel threatened, they unfurl their huge, spiny, winglike pectoral fins. They cannot actually fly.
A caecilian is often times mistaken for a worm or a snake, which means that people often times kill them if they see them. A caecilian is actually a kind of amphibian. They usually live underground, and some live in water. Some have eyes, but some do not.
The capybara is the largest rodent in the world. It is the size of a medium sized dog. It is herbivorous and loves the water. They live in very large groups, and rely on the water as an escape route. South American rainforests are what they are native to.
Maras are often times mistaken for hares, but they are not a hare at all. They are a rodent, though. They live in South American deserts and can run across the pebbly ground without getting hurt. They live in smallish groups and dash into their burrows to escape predators.